Vegahr Nix

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He laid his beautiful mate on his fur thrown bed, covered in old enemies hides, with there skulls as decoration covering the walls of his quarters. Her beautiful blond wavy hair that she wore in a what humans called 'a ponytail', was unkempt and looked like it wanted to be free of its bounds. Her clothing, where the clothes that she was in when she and her friends came here in. Since he nor the rest of the shifters nor the Darkling's that where the true face, after all he and the rest of the shifters where just a shell, something to not scare the humans with. Even though they were but shells, they still had feelings, thoughts and also shared the same mate.

His beautiful mate Alice had asked for some time to get used to this life the second day that herself and her friends where here. When she asked for some time 'he' the creator of all the Darkling race and the shifters was not pleased, but he understood her dilemma, after all being chucked into a different world that you don't know and is too different from your very own, would scare anyone after all he knew only too well.

Alice had been reading the ancient books, when he found her slumping and nearly falling into the closed book. He felt a swell of pride, honour and above all happiness.

Pride: because she was instant of finishing many of the large ancient books, as she could.

Honour: he couldn't believe a beautiful and thoughtful mate actually existed in the universe. And to have her as his mate, well words couldn't describe.

Happiness: his mate could just ignore them and not read them. But she had insisted on reading them, because she wanted to more about him and the history of this planet.

All of a sudden, he felt an agonising, maddening pain, in his head. He knew instantly what it was, it was 'him' trying to brake free and take over his body. He held his forehead and then snapped his fingers giving off a blue light whilst looking at his mate with longing.
In mere seconds a man dressed in black robes, bold head with Darkling ancient writings and tattoos, appeared. He bowed low and said whilst rising "Vegahr Nix, we must hurry. We don't have much time, until he brakes free" Vegahr Nix, kissed his beautiful mates forehead and disappeared in a flash of blue light.

(This chapter will have a bit violence, you may skip it if you wish)

An hour had passed, Vegahr Nix and the Avolan the Rune Reader , where currently in the abandoned human gold mines.

Vegahr Nix, gritted his teeth as Avolan pressed the burning hot iron into his right wrist. This had always been the ritual, ever since he found out who was inside him. On his right wrist was what looked like a lotus flower with a green dragon inside, this was connected to the prison where 'he' was forever chained and the only way for 'him' to stay there and not brake free, was for this to keep happening whenever 'he' was braking the chains that bound 'him'. Now that he had found his mate, there was even more of a reason to take over Vegahr's Nix's body.

He glared at Avolan and asked though gritted teeth "what are you waiting for Rune Reader? Are you hoping for him to finalise the true plan of the Darkling race?" Avolan looked at him flabbergasted and said nearly dropping the hot iron "no, of course not. I have seen what he can do with his power, once he is back. After all he destroyed my universe and all the planets in it, I don't want that to happen again" Vegahr Nix said whilst still glaring at him "then press harder, or you will have him to contend with once more!!" Avolan looked at him shocked and said "no, you cannot sustain that amount of pain my Lord. Even though it will not kill you because 'he' will not let you die. But you will surely have to have your right hand removed. No matter how good the shifter body or The BodySleep can heal practically anything, if I press it even harder my Lord, it will burn away and I respect you too much to do that to you" he grabbed the Rune Readers right wrist and said whilst tightening his hold "if you don't do it, I will do it myself" Avolan looked at Vegahr Nix sadly and said "please forgive me, my Lord" with that he pressed the hot iron deep into Vegahr wrist. The abandoned human gold mines echoed with the sound of Vegahr Nix's agonising pain.

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