Chapter 63

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Away from prying human and many other beings gazes, stood a plateau. A plateau so beautiful, it was said to the gateway to heaven.
Gifted to Mother Nature on her two thousand birthday by her mother, the Universe.

The plateau was bursting with flowers from lilies and lavender, to roses and snapdragons. Trees of all sizes and types, clustered together as forests for thousands of miles, even trees that where extinct on planet Earth. Waterfalls in every corner of the plateau where: dear, cibertooth tigers, antelope, leopards and many other animals drank from the pools of the waterfalls, in harmony.

Clear rivers and lakes, teaming with: mackerel, salmon and many others.

On the south side of the plateau, sitting by a lake sat a woman with green skin, wearing a white toga and golden sandals. This was no ordinary woman, she was Mother Nature herself, sighing sadly as she looked into the lake.

All of a sudden a female leopard rubbed against her right shoulder, whilst whining. Mother Nature, turned to face her and smiled as one the leopards young, fell into her lap. The young leopard cub only a couple of months old, looked up at her and asked "why are you looking at those scary things?" The young leopards mother hissed at her young, making the kit cower as she looked up at Mother Nature. The leopard mother, bowed and said "please forgive my daughter, she doesn't know her place yet. I have told her many times not to offend you nor your children" Mother Nature just smiled and said to the leopard mother "don't worry Jasmine. She is right though, my children can be scary. It's only natural that she fears them, I just hope I don't have to see the day where they destroy themselves for greed. I hope mother will make me blind and deaf if that day comes. Like all mother's, you can only hope that they change there ways, before it gets to the point of no return" for the first time in her existence, a couple tears fell down her cheeks, as if realising that her children would never change and her mother would not give her the blessing of not hearing or seeing her children's destruction.

Shocked that she was crying, she quickly brushed the tears from her cheeks, dusted at the invisible dust that wasn't even there, stood up quickly and said as if nothing happened "I should make a new meadow, after all we can't have enough beauty" and with that leaving the mother leopard and her kit alone. The kit looked up at its mother and whined "did I do wrong?" The mother looked down at her kit, signed and then said "what am I going to do with you. Come on wash time" the little kit sulked and marched off ahead annoyed, the leopard mother looked towards Mother Nature's retreating figure, with a painful heart and a sad expression, then followed her kit into the forest.


Later that same day, Mother Nature sat under her favourite cherry tree on a hill full of lavender, with blue glistening waterfall behind her, the sounds of the water was like a melody to her, as the blossom fell like pink snow onto the small patch of green that circled the tree. She was drinking a golden glass filled with cool water.

She was about to put it down when an old woman, cloaked all in black and hobbling over to her with a golden cane.
Mother Nature knew instantly who it was, she quickly put down her golden glass, got up and bowed in respect to her.

The old woman just cackled and said in a croaky voice "my dear child, you should not bow before me. It is I who should be the one that should bow, daughter of the Universe herself" with that the old woman walked over to her and waved a hand beside her, instantly a chair of what looked like an ancient Roman marble chair appeared, she breathed out a long sigh as she sat down on the chair, she looked at Mother Nature and said still in a croaky voice "now my dear child, you must listen very carefully to what I'm about to tell you. These past couple of days I have had a vision from your mother, the universe. In that vision she speaks of two catastrophic warnings that not only will shake the realm of man, but of all realms" Mother Nature listened carefully, after all the old woman was none other than her mother's Oracle Pythia herself.

Oracle Pythia eyes turned to the colour of pure milk and a voice not of her own came from her mouth "The First: 4 beings on horseback, grotesque in appearance and evil is there name. Nothing and no one will stand in there way. Led by the devil himself and the Dark one. They will charge through borders and kingdom's leaving: diseases not yet known to man nor beast, death and destruction. Blood will flow like rivers and streams. For this is there just deserved fate, for the crimes against the planet and the animals that have long suffered by mankind"

"The Second: On the 18th year of the Dark ones dead wife's anniversary, he will destroy the Earth and everything on it. In its place he will fashion a knew world, where only darkness survives. With this he shall tarnish everything and everyone, under everything the Universe controls. Once he is finished he will finally destroy himself and all his creations, in one last blow to his mother. But there is hope, as long as three race of beings that have despised each other for centuries come together before the said time, led by his daughter. To stop it from happening than peace will finally come"

The Oracle breathed in sharply, as if coming out of a long sleep. Once she had calmed down and her eyes had turned brown again, she looked at Mother Nature and said sadly "my dear child. Now you have heard them, you must pick one" Mother Nature looked at her with disbelief and asked "you mean to say, that I must choose which catastrophic warning for my children?" The Oracle just nodded and said sadly "yes, my dear child. Your Mother said that everything has there time, it is up to us which is the better action to take and......" the Oracle looked away ashamed to say the last bit and finished with "if you think your children have the right to have a very last chance to change there ways, to have the ancient clock of destruction to go back to the beginning" at hearing this Mother Nature's colour faded white as she slumped onto the floor, with shock and horror on her face. Shock because of her mother telling her, no........demanding this and horror because of choosing two catastrophic chooses for her children.

In the distance, the ancient clock of destruction for mankind/human race. Made a loud click, as it began to start an unknown fate for mankind/human race, that unknowingly will start the end of everything in the universe too.

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