Chapter 17

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In a small beautiful village, just outside the human kingdom of  Golden Star. Lived the rebels, long gone where there riches and wealth. In its place was an ice cold vengeance, that seeped through there body's like a disease.

The rebels where ancestors of the lords and ladies of the human kingdom of Golden Star, that decided to fight against the 'Beasts of the FireWall'. They didn't care if they got destroyed at the hands of 'Beasts of the FireWall', all they cared about was to never be under the hands of them. But it didn't last long, after the war was lost and the 'Beasts of the FireWall' made a deal for the safety of the human kingdom, the lords and ladies that where the culprits of the meaningless and possible extinction of the humans/mankind, where stripped of the wealth and where banished with the rest of the supporters.

A rumour was that, if you kill a 'Beast of the FireWall's' mate, you automatically kill the beast. But no one was stupid enough to do that. Word came two days ago, that 4 beautiful mates had fallen from the sky, from a completely different world. But no one believed it, after all nothing like that ever existed.

The leader of the rebels, Frank Southsea stood around the ancient map of the whole planet of the Unknown Ones. The humans had called this since they stepped foot on the strange planet. They called the planet the Unknown Ones, mostly due to the fact of the ancient writings and pictures of beings that was painted on crumbling ruins and mosaics of the ancient worshiping room, that lay underneath the deserted royal palace.

Frank Southsea, was smiling greedily as he looked at the map, that lay on the oak table in his dark underground lair. Word had gotten to the rebels, that the 'Beasts of the FireWall' had finally found there mates. This was good news for the rebels, for if they killed there mates, they could finally destroy the Beasts. Three things where still ticking away, in the rebels brains, they were:
1)how on earth where they going to be able to get to the Frozen Wasteland's of the North without the beasts ever knowing, let alone get to the fortress that stood guard over the FireWall.
2)how where they going to kill the beasts mates, without being noticed.
And finally
3)how where they going to be able to get back out, without getting killed in the process.

It would take 3 long month's, until planning would bare fruit. What they didn't except was after there plan was a success, that the planet would be stained with blood and be the beginning of the universes demise.

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