Chapter 77

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A loud gasp escaped my mouth, as I found myself looking up at a very red tent ceiling. As I slowly got up from where I was lying, a olive skinned woman dressed up in a Roman slaves attire, came rushing over to me.

She knead down next to me and said whilst looking at me up and down confused "my lord found you on are way back from Rome, we thought the gods had forsaken you, but they have not. Oh thank the gods. Although you do wear such strange clothing" I looked down at myself and found that I was wearing the same clothes as I had on in the library. Wait....library?

My brain still couldn't fathom, how I got from the library to here, wherever here is. All I remembered was opening a grey book and then blinding light, all I could think of was it had to be time-travel, but even that was hard to stomach.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a voice I never wanted to hear from again, my stalker Mr Young. He entered the tent, dressed in a generals uniform, he had a fur cloak over his shoulders, looked like he was older and with shoulder length black shaggy hair. He smiled at me lovingly and then said to the slave girl as he picked up a jug of wine "thank you Helen. You may go now" I looked at Helen whilst shaking my head with fear in my eyes, but she only gave me a pity look and then left. Leaving me alone with 'him'.

I looked at him with disgust and asked "how did you bring me here? Did you make a deal with a devil for the rest of your soul for this?" He just scoffed and then said whilst walking towards me and swirling the contents in the jug "do you know there is many beautiful verses of Latin phrases but my favourite one is Carpe Diem, so sad and yet so honest it means in English: enjoy the pleasures of the moment without concern of the future" he sat down on the bed, when he did that I backed away quickly from him whilst glaring at him with hate in my eyes, he tried to offer me the jug, but I knocked it out of his hands. He sighed annoyed and then said trying to control his anger "you know my love, hmm. You will have to bend the knee sometime, but I know you despise me in the meantime. Sigh, you will see when we get to are new home. I have made it bigger enough for a whole army of children, just you and me together. Even the Roman general's body that I have taken over, is extremely exited about the idea of you in are lives. I better send another water jug for you too wash up. We are leaving in an hours time, Helen will make sure that you are ready" with that he left me, trying to fight back the tears that would surely start flowing anytime.

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