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Evil can change to Good.
Darkness can change to Light.
A stormy weather can quickly change to sunshine and rainbows.
But....not everything can stay with this change permanently.
One wrong turn and all things can unravel, like pulling too hard on a string, can unravel the goodness that was once there and be brought back to the Evil and Darkness that lies in every being under the universe.


He looked down at the beautiful face of his mate, as she slept on the soft cream sofa in his personal living quarters, on his personal train on the journey back home.
He never thought that he would change his mind to this extent, about his mother's creations.
He always thought that the race of men, where: greedy, thoughtless, thankfulness beings. He didn't know why they even had traits of nice or kind, to him that was weakness and weakness could always be corrupted.
Or maybe that was just jealousy, jealousy so old and painful, that took root inside and had changed him into this 'thing'. A bloodthirsty, cannibalistic, universe destroying thing.

Until....his Alice came into his life twice, the first time he found and then lost her....even thinking about it was painful enough, the darkness had taken over and destroyed 'that planet' and Drogdrannith welcomed it like an old friend. But now, he had her back and he would never let that happen again, never.
When he and Alice both found themselves in Pompeii and spent a couple of days there before the irruption, his eyes finally opened to what humans could also be: caring for others, hospitality even to strangers that they didn't know, gratitude and charity. Even nice and kind people in his eyes, that he once thought as weakness, now changed to respect. Yes humans still had there bad traits, but good traits where also shown.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Helen, came in carrying a golden tray, with a wine glass of tropical juice and a bowl of melon, which was Alice's favourite breakfast. She gave a nervous smile at Drogdrannith, then back at the sleeping Alice and back. Then she bowed, put down the tray by his side and left the room, just in time for Alice to wake up.

A wiseman once said
"nothing is planned out in life, we are the writers of are own story.
A mortal life is short and with the unknown of how are life may end.
Because of this, grasp it tightly and never let go of it, for once it is lost it can never be found again.
So live your life to the fullest.
Yes you will have your hardships along the way, with your happiness, but that is for all humans, we can never escape it, until the day we die"
Alice's adopted father's last words to her

Alice's POV

I winced as I slowly woke up, I must of dozed off in the limousine, but now I was on train and then I found myself looking up at Drogdrannith smiling face, he even looked more handsome than usual, if that was even possible. I gave him a small smile and said "you know, you really need to smile more. It really soots you" he said as he helped me up "I have something to smile about and to who" I blushed bright red, I was about to say something when my tummy made itself known by giving a very loud and embarrassing grumble.

He picked up the tray from the silver side table, behind him and put it on my lap. I began to dig into my food and sipped my drink, when Drogdrannith got up and said annoyed "the seal that was buried in Pompeii, was found and brought back yesterday before the fall of Pompeii" I stopped eating, put down the tray with the half eaten melon and half drunk drink and asked "what happens now?" He turned to face me and said "it means, that war is soon going to come to this realm. A war that the human race will never be prepared for....unless we make are selfs known. Even my niece Fate, does not know the outcome of it" I swallowed hard at this news, for centuries the human race, has always feared the unknown and new discoveries.
If Drogdrannith says is true, then I hate to admit it..but we won't stand a chance, because I highly doubt the human race will listen to mythical and magical beings that everyone thought to be that of stories come to light, the human race would probably think them mad and want to lock them up.

My Mate From another world Where stories live. Discover now