The Feast

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The main hall in the Fort, was bare except for two long black tables on either side of the hall, with a golden medium sized table at the back of the hall where the creator and his two experiments sat with there mates.

I was currently sitting between my two mates, whilst looking down at the food before me. To me the food that was laid out on all the tables, where not even close to a banquet, it was more like a feast.

I was told by a very happy and proud Heather, what the food was that lay in front of all of us: Monoo (an animal that was ruffly described as something between a deer and a cow) on a plate of salad. Two different homemade breads: one was a cinnamon and apple that was in a shape of a large tare and share loaf, whilst the other one was a spelt in a shape of a long French stick. Three, large plates of towers of the purple apricot, where in perfect lines on silver plates, like all the other food.

I was about to ask Vegahr Nix, what the other food on all the tables where, when the oak wooden doors opened and in came a man dressed all in purple, from his purple tunic and cloak to his shoes.

My eyes widened as I saw 3 scared women behind him, that looked like they where from my time, all dirty with there hair like a birds nest. I was about to get up and go to them, when Falon the Eagle put his left hand on my right leg and gave me a warning look. So I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

The man dressed up all in purple bowed to Vegahr Nix and said "Greetings Lord of the FireWall, my name is Advisor Daniels of the Advisor Sect of the human kingdom of Golden Star" You could feel the tension in the room and certainly from Vegahr Nix. Vegahr Nix cleared his throat and said whilst trying not to scare the already petrified women "Its nice to finally meet Advisor Daniels, in person" Advisor Daniels looked down at the ground embarrassed and ashamed. It was true that Advisor Daniels, had always brought the maidens to the fort, that usually meant death for the unfortunate women who had been chosen, but he had usually left after bringing the women into the fort, without a backward glance. This was the first time that he was here in person and also the first time he had set eyes on Vegahr Nix.

If it wasn't for the stupid manservant of the king of Golden Star, giving the women before a whole bag of Helack, he wouldn't be in this predicament.

All of a sudden a chorus of growls, un-animal like howls and bangs echoed from outside, making the women whimper.

I brushed Falon the Eagles hand from my leg and made my way towards the scared women, fallowed by my friends and a very angry Ms Duncan. Once I got to them, I walked over to one of the women with fiery, long red hair matted with mud, cowering against an older women that looked the same, as if they were sisters. I put out my right hand out to her and said lovingly "you don't have to fret, you are safe here. I and my friends won't let anything bad happen to you I promise" the cowering woman that looked no more than 16 years old, looked at the girl next to her and then back at my hand. As if realising I wasn't a risk, she put her right hand in mine and said in a small voice "I'm Holly, the woman next to me is my sister Dani and the woman biting her lip is called Wendy" after she said this all the new women's tummies made a loud gurgling sound.

I turned to face Vegahr Nix, to ask him for permission for the woman to eat, he gave me a small smile and a quick nod. In a unspoken command, three of the Forts warriors lifted up a unused long table and laid it down in the middle of the room, which quickly fallowed by Heathers mate carrying food to the table. Heather got up to ask if he needed a hand but he quickly said "don't worry my love, I can handle it. They need you more than I do", Heather smiled at him and then watched him leave, once all the food he carried on the large golden serving plate was put on the table.

Dani looked at all the food with wonder and yearning, but before she or even the other women dared to taste any of the food, she looked at worriedly and asked "is this food safe?" Olive said whilst eating the purple fruit "yes, it is definitely safe. If you are craving chocolate, this fruit is the best. It's like eating a strawberry chocolate, umm it's so good" Holly and Wendy perked up a bit at this and then began to dig into the food as if it was there last meal.

I let out a loud gasp as I saw the red marks on there necks and wrists, Dani's wrists looked like they had once bled, with the deep cuts that she had on her wrists. I mentally kicked myself, how stupid was I to not look for marks like that.
I then shot my eyes towards Advisor Daniels, with disgust and hate in my eyes. I so wanted to kill him at that moment with my bare hands or even give him the same treatment as he gave the woman beside me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when one of the scouts from the FireWall came running into the hall, in his golden and silver armour. He bowed to Vegahr Nix and said with his right fist over his heart "my lord, the FireWall has been damaged and it won't be long until it brakes altogether" Vegahr Nix stood up from his throne and asked seriously "can it not be fixed, even temporarily?" The scout said whilst still looking down at the ground "no my Lord, the only person to calm them down is 'him'" Vegahr Nix sighed loudly whilst putting his left hand on his forehead as if all of a sudden he had a headache and then said to the scout "I will be there shortly, don't make a move until I get there. Do you hear me?" The scout bowed and then left.

After a couple of minutes of warriors getting ready to venture to the FireWall, Vegahr Nix and Falon the Eagle talking with my friends mates about there plan. They all walked over to us with: daggers, swords, spears and even some sort of throwing knifes with the tips the colour of green-yellow.

Falon the Eagle stroked my cheek lovingly and said "don't worry, we will come back to you" I then cast my eyes to Vegahr Nix with eyes still nervous, he smiled and said as he picked up my right hand and kissing it "there is nothing in this world that will stop us from coming back to you I promise. Not even the universe will get in the way" then he motioned with his hand to Ms Duncan and said "I have instructed Ms Duncan to lock down the hall. Nothing and no one can come in once the lock is in place. Ms Duncan is the only person with a key to the hall" with a final loving kiss to my forehead he and everyone in the room left for the FireWall, not realising that it would be the last time I would see him again.

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