Chapter 80

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The next morning, Lucy Evermore walked down the small winding staircase that led from her room, down to the pearly white veranda with green garlands and roses hanging from it or wrapped around it. In the middle of the veranda was a marble white table with 4 beautiful wooden carved chairs and a few feet from it, was a mini wild flower meadow circling it, with butterflies of all different colours and sizes bustling around it, it was a sight to behold, as if walking into a dream.

Lucy was interrupted when Luke, got up from one of the chairs and rushed over to her with happiness and a bit of worry imbedded in his eyes. Once he got to her he asked "Lucy are you okay, are you feeling better?" Lucy gave him a reassuring smile and said "don't worry my love, I am fine. My powers are slowly coming back, but nothing for you to worry about" then she looked at Lord Finnonn and back at Luke and asked "what have you been talking about, whilst I was getting dressed?" Luke sighed loudly then looked at Lord Finnonn, so Lord Finnonn answered for him "Lady Lucy, word has spread that the 'untouchables' are helping the darkness come to power" Lucy looked at the Elven lord confused and asked "I mean no disrespect my lord, but that cannot be. Yes, Drogdrannith has more power and is the most dangerous of beings because who and what he is, but Alice is helping to, we would of known by now, the red dragon is imprisoned, my people have made sure that the pulsing of the monuments in the human world have stopped. He cannot be free. Surly you are mistaken?" Lord Finnonn slowly got up from his seat and said as he walked towards her with a blank expression "Lady Lucy, it may surprise you that the Elven that sits on 'The Council of the Eternal Sword', is not actually an elf" he then said in a far away tone, as if from a long forgotten memory "when mankind was young and need for survival was greater than it had ever been. They came across our Lady of the Moon, Gwynne Glynynore.
She took pity on a group of humans, that she met by chance on the road, not knowing the dangers that she would face.
After the group of humans, had what they needed for survival, Lady Gwynne Glynynore thought that she could go back home to her people and to her husband Lord of the Stars and the very first Elven, Jandar Liajyre. But sadly no. Once they had her trust......sigh.......they began to experiment on her, they mixed her blood and the blood of dead humans to find the cure to mortal life. It was many moons, until they completed there goal to make Elven-human hybrids, monstrous, barbaric and blood thirsty 'things'.
Once Lady Gwynne Glynynore, realised what her 'trustworthy' humans had done to her, after waking up from a century old coma, she could not stand it and went mad with grief.
Lord Jandar Liajyre, in his despair fashioned the Elven realms, so no human or any other being, unless being invited by an Elven lord, could never harm the Elven race ever again.
So you see my lady, those 'untouchables' that I just spoke about, are very much true and there purpose is correct too. They are mindless creatures, that are neither human nor Elven, so that is why they do not belong in either land and so that is why they hate both the Elven race and that of the race of man. They will stop at nothing until both races are extinct, even if that means siding with the red dragon.
So I must trouble you, to come to your world to destroy the 'untouchables', before it's too late. But before I bring my men over, you must promise me something in return for are help" Lucy looked at him confused and asked "what is it?" Lord Finnonn, looked down at the ground and then back at her and said in a pleading voice that he had never done in his entire life "for are help, you must not let anyone know of what and who we are. The Elven race will be danger if anyone knows of are identity and I highly doubt you won't want your last chance of the inhabitants of planet Earth, to go to a new world get dashed, do you?" Lucy gave him a small smile and said "you are right Lord Finnonn, myself and my mate will not tell a soul, you have are word. But how shall I......" she was cut off short when Lord Finnonn suddenly changed into different person all together. His ears where human, he had denim trousers, black long top and his hair was put into a long ponytail. He gave Lucy a smirk and said "shall we go" Lucy shocked that Lord Finnonn could change at will, into a human being shocked her.
When she finally got her bearings, Lord Finnonn had made a portal already and was motioning with his hand for her to come with him, so with that Lucy and Luke followed Lord Finnonn to Pompeii where Alice and Drogdrannith was.

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