Drogdrannith POV

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He had just got back from his late night hunt, hoping that hunting a large animal, any animal would stop the hunger that was growing inside of him and also stop his human shell from collapsing in on itself, when he saw Zagthar looking over Zagthar's mate Susan. This didn't make him angry, what did was Mr Young hanging upside down unconscious.

He walked over to them in big long strides, he couldn't believe how stupid Zagthar was to let him leave Mr Young like that. Even though he despised this human man, he couldn't let him see what or who he truly was, after all Drogdrannith needed Mr Young's help unearthing his ancient army that was scattered all over this planet curtesy of his mother and this planets mother earth, they joined together to imprison his army. He truly wanted to kill this human, for making his beautiful mate uncomfortable and nervous, but he had to bite the large bullet until everything came to fruition.

When he got to Zagthar, he grabbed him by the back of his hair, pulled him up and then chucked him towards the sea, where he landed just by the water's edge. He began to shake in anger, his whole body felt like it was coming apart at the seems of his human shell, as he walked towards him followed by Susan. But when he got to Zagthar, Susan stood in front of him with arms wide whilst glaring daggers at Drogdrannith and said in a strong voice as she could muster was "you have to get through me, if you want to harm him" his right eyebrow lifted intrigued, he never had a human look at him like that or even threaten him. Even though she was human, maybe humans recognised there mates too without anyone saying anything.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Zagthar, began to slowly stand up from the wet sand, wincing as his ribs made a loud 'pop' as they rightened and fixed itself, as well as the clots that had formed. Now fully healed, Zagthar bowed to him and said "I know I was told to wait for your command to come and not to interfere. But I couldn't let my mate die a second time, this experiment only asks for your forgiveness just this once. I promise never to go against your wishes again" Drogdrannith eyes softened for the very first time in his very existence, he gave a long sigh and said in a business type tone "I will forgive you just this once. But you know what has to be done now, don't you Zagthar?" Zagthar sighed sadly and then said "yes, I know" and with that Zagthar and Susan left the beach to talk in private, leaving Drogdrannith slowly losing a fighting battle controlling his shell of a body from collapsing in on itself. He looked at his right arm, to see the start of the change, luckily he had three forms before his true form appeared. The second form, had that of the ancient binding marks that looked like a mixture of Celtic and Gaelic tattoos. If his calculations where correct, he had only a month before his true form, would finally take over and he dreaded the day. He gritted his teeth in agony as he made his way back to temporary room, as his human shell collapsed in on itself and burned away, leaving the warrior of the ancients his second form awakening.

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