(Alices POV)

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We had just taken off and was flying in the sky, in Mr Young's personal aircraft.
Inside the aircraft was quite big and spacious.
As soon as you came into the aircraft, the cockpit was on the left hand side, loos in front of you and a good sized seating area with a mini bar and a plate of chocolates, fruits and a bottle of Prosecco on a small brown coffee table, surrounded with 4 cream coloured chairs.

When we had taken off, for some reason I instantly felt okay, considering it was my first time in a plane, except for the constant pressure in my ears.

I was pulled back to the present, when I saw an envelope just lightly showing underneath the parcel of money for myself and my friends trip. Intrigued, I quickly opened, but when I read the letter my blood went cold, it said:

My beautiful Alice
These past couple of months have been agony, watching you from my office. So close, but yet so far.
The first time, I saw you in that coffee shop, buying your usual drink, I instantly knew I had to have you for myself .
I hope you liked my letters, after all they are all true, every last one of them. I crave for you even now, as I write this letter, but I have to wait just a little bit longer, soon you and your friends will come to Rome and we shall be married. Your friends.....well they are a different story, let's just say...they won't get in the way.

I can't wait to see your beautiful face again.
Mr Young

Realisation hit me hard, the stalker that had been sending me: letters, cards and other forms of admiration was none other than Mr Young my boss.

Susan must of seen the look on my face, because she came over with two cocktail glasses. Before she sat down, I quickly hid the letter in the small pocket of my shoulder bag and gave her my most reassuring smile. But she didn't look convinced and asked whilst handing me one of the cocktails that looked the same as hers "are you sure you're okay, Alice?" I gave the cocktail one look, as if it could save me and my friends from the impending doom, not seeing any, I quickly gulped it down, to the horror of all that where watching.
I winced as the martini went down my throat and said trying not to cough or splutter "just nerves". Before Susan or the other girls, could say a thing, the aircraft began to violently rock and bang, before I could get up I was nocked out by a metal dish. I thought I would die, then and there but for some miracle I didn't.

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