Chapter 56

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Jaddreirth, kept slamming his fists into the punching bag over and over again. Beads of sweat, dripped down from his long golden hair that he tied back and fell on his all ready glistening with sweat muscular chest.
There had already been 12 fatalities of very beaten punching bags, that lay on the training hall floor next to him, but he couldn't stop his anger nor did he want the anger to be quenched.

Two centuries, after the fall of his home world by Drogdrannith and fleeing to this planet. If you told him, that the human woman and her friends would be linked to Drogdrannith and that human woman was Drogdrannith's mate/destined one, he would of laughed of how stupid that was and asked them to drink the famous Hanato drink of the Golden Dragons Of Zanatoo, until they drank enough to have a sensible head on. But this was not one of those times, the human woman Alice, was Drogdrannith's mate.

As much as he hated Drogdrannith and as much as he tried to he couldn't get angry or hate the human woman...although something in him, like an ancient song of his ancestors, was telling him that she was not all she seems and that she was not actually human at all, the same feeling he had the last time he saw the royal family of the Golden Dragons Of Zanatoo.

He shook his head in mid punch and thought to himself 'no, if this so called human is one of the last remaining members of the royal house. She would of had her wings by now and her dragon spirit would be awoken by now. Unless someone has botched up the report on her and her friends, she is 100% human'

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the two large bronze doors open and then his old friend and sparing partner sighing "so this is where the kings guard, where he escapes to instead of drinking his worries away" Jaddreirth stopped punching the 13th punching bag, it was now only held up by a small bit of the long rope that once held the bag.

Jaddreirth, turned to face his old friend and sparing partner Iglis, one of the three Princes of the Ice and Snow kingdom of Winter-Law, they where a branch off the Elven people. As the name suggests, his whole body looked like that of when a human gets frozen with icicles hanging from his bare arms and hands, which was a Winter-Laws power, white long hair cascaded down his back, he wore nothing on his top half and only silver trousers woven with leaves and petals of every shade of colour and variety. The only thing that made him stand out above all the other Winter-Laws and showed that he was a prince, was a pattern of a single thistle with a pattern of a golden vine wrapping around it on his forehead.

Jaddreirth, sighed annoyed and asked "what do you want Iglis, I'm in no mood for one of your many pranks?" It was a good thing Jaddreirth was the best friend of the three princes of Winter-Law, if he wasn't.....well let's just say that there are worse things than the whole body being frozen to the point of no return.

Iglis pouted and said "you are no fun", then his face quickly turned serious and said walking over to the weapons rack next to him and asked "so what happened between you and Drogdrannith, before he left?" Jaddreirth said whilst taking off his gloves angrily "what do you think happened?" Iglis eyes widened so wide, it wouldn't be surprising if they literally popped out of his face and said "by the universe he didn't" he rolled his eyes as he chucked the worn black gloves into the nearby golden bin and then said whilst turning back to face the prince of Winter-Law "yes he did. Having your golden wings ripped off, only for them to regrow again and having them ripped off, all because I brought his mate and her friends here without, BLOODY WELL TELLING HIM" he breathed out a long sigh, then once he had composed himself, he put out his right hand and asked "now have you got the new warriors list?" Iglis, waved his left hand in the air, to reveal a golden, nameless book that held all the warriors including the new ones, he said as he handed it to Jaddreirth "you know Jaddreirth, you would loss your temper and worry if you where in his position. As you well know its extremely rare for magical, mythical and even Darkling's alike to find there destined one/mate, it's less than 1 in 3 that would find there mates. I hope to the universe, that you will find the same joy in finding your destined one/mate as I have" Jaddreirth just scoffed and said "I have much more important things to worry about, than finding a mate that might not even exist. No, being a Warrior Tutor for the warriors that I can train to protect themselves and there loves ones is more than I deserve, being a babysitter to Drogdrannith's mate and being a bounty hunter in my spare time. No Iglis, I know you mean well old friend but that is not for me, I have long ago given up hope of that dream. And to think the world of man/humankind write stories of every mythical creature that they are aware of, meet there mate that easily, oh that would be a blessing, but that only belongs to rarest and luckiest of beings" Iglis breathed out a long sigh and said "Jaddreirth, the fall of the royal household of Zanatoo was not your fault. You had no choice to leave and spread out, no Golden Dragons of Zanatoo once given an order by the emperor cannot be broken it's a binding pact, not even the strongest can fight against it" Jaddreirth winced, as the old memory came flooding back like high tide and ripping through old wounds like a knife.

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