Chapter 106

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Drogdrannith after hearing the news of Alice being I'll, rushed over to her tent. He had just washed over the dirt and blood off the enemy, when he heard.

He pulled back the tent entrance and found his beautiful mate, lying on a heap of cushions unconscious, with a Elven healer attending to her. The Elven healer got up from the floor and greeted Drogdrannith with a bow then said "the princess has awoken a new power inside her, to heal Talindra Yeljyre's brain. Because of this new found power, her body has not yet got used to it.
She has used all of her power to heal Talindra Yeljyre's brain, that her body went into a defensive mode to protect itself. She will wake up in two days time, it would of been longer if she was healing more than one" the healer bowed low again and left without another word.

Once the tent was empty, Drogdrannith walked over to her unconscious form, knead down next to her and said whilst stroking her cheek lovingly "what am I going to do with you, my destined one. Hmm, you always seem to make me scared of losing you. I know I have said in the past that it was a sign of weakness for me, sigh..but when it comes to you...well you know" he stopped stroking her cheek and just stared at her unmoving form and thought 'so this is what it is like, to love someone so deeply and for so long. That one is not in control of one's self, when the thought of losing someone outweighs anything in life itself'. He never wanted this moment to end, just the two of them together, side by side in this dangerous world.

Alice's POV

Aloud groan irrupted from my mouth as I slowly opened my eyes. It felt like someone was hitting the outside of my head with a hammer, when my eye's finally opened I found a concerned Drogdrannith looking down at me, from a seat beside the pile of cushions that I was on.

He asked worried "Alice, what is wrong. Can I help you in anyway?" I gave him a small smile and said softly "hmm, you are here. I have missed you...okay gosh that hurts" a stabbing pain came from my head, then I said defeated "yes, can you get me some painkillers. My head hurts like hell" that was when Lord Finnonn came in and said gently "my dear friend, I am sorry but you will have to bare the pain. It is your body excepting the new power that you have. It is very intriguing though why now after centuries have gone since your ancestor held that honour, why it has decided to appear now". I let a sarcastic "yay" and leaned back into the pillows, as my head started the more painful hammering.

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