Chapter 6

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The advisor to the king of the human kingdom of Golden Star, sat at his oak table, in his deserted golden hall. The room was beautiful with: a golden chandelier hanging from the middle ceiling. Purple rugs, banners, table cloths and cushions, that represented who he was.
Golden bookcases, stood on either side of the room, that made a walk way towards the advisor of the king's oak table, where all important and non important issues of Golden Star and the rest of the planet called the planet of the Unknown Ones, where held.
But everyone in the human kingdom of Golden Star, from richest to the poorest knew that there was a fine line between there existence and there extinction.

Tonight was the 'Eve Of The Dark Wolf', as far as any human could remember, this was the day a group of women would be picked out at random to be sent to the 'Beasts Of The FireWall', this was for the safety of the human kingdom of Golden Star. No one liked it, but after what happened two centuries ago, when they had refused, the monsters from over the 'FireWall' reeked havoc and nearly destroyed the human race of Golden Star. This was a small price to pay, for the long peace and not the extermination of there race, one that they would not make the same again.

The Advisor, was making preparations for half a dozen winter clothing and shoes for the unfortunate group of women, when he was interrupted by someone loudly clearing there throats. The Advisor said whilst still making arrangements for food to be sent as well "has everything been arranged for this evening. Don't forget we cannot be late for the dark moon, that will welcome in the 'Eve Of The Dark Wolf" when he didn't hear a reply, he looked up from his writing to see one of his guards in an armour of purple the colours of the Advisor Sect. The guard in question was a young officer, not yet 20 years old, with short brown hair and a scar on his right cheek from a Hawknor (a giant being of half-Hawk, half-dragon), there eggs where very prised over, for there crystal like shell and healing interior. For this they where very sort after, only the stupidest or bravest would dare even step in there territory let alone take one.

The Hawknor, had adapted to the 'Beasts' since the beginning of time, so the humans that accidentally found this place, 5 centuries ago where no challenge and where also the same, they prised over there young.
They just wanted to be left alone.

After awhile of the poor, scared officer looking everywhere except for the Advisor. The Advisor put his pen back in its inkwell and said whilst bringing his hands together in front of him "my dear, boy. Surly there can't be such bad news that........." the officer bowed as low as he could and said "please forgive this unworthy soldier. I have brought shame and destruction, to our people". The Advisor whispered in horror, whilst closing his eyes hoping it was all a nightmare "oh god no, please don't tell me he is about to say what I think he is about to say" sure enough, the officer still bowing afraid to lift his head "the citizens are refusing to send anymore women for the ceremony, they have said that they will rebel against you and the royal family, if you insist on it."
Advisor Daniels could only utter three questions, as he slowly opened his eyes "have you told them what would happen? What happened 4 centuries ago, when we where too stupid and senseless? That not only are race but that of many others will be in mortal danger?" He nearly fell into his chair, when the young officer said "yes Advisor Daniels, this solider has told them. They seem to think that they can rise up against the beasts and wipe them out" at the sound of this, Advisor Daniels through back his head and laughed like a madman, whilst thinking to himself 'Surly if we thought that we could conquer the beasts, we would not have been at the very tip of are extinction. Are they blind or stupid to the most important lesson of are race? They cannot be killed. Don't they know that we never wanted to do this in the first place, but if it's a chance for are existence, then surely it is a sacrifice they should be willing to do and make'. All women where included, even daughters and sisters of the royal household and there Advisors where also picked for the ceremony, no one was left out.

He slowly but gradually stopped laughing and once he was able to blink tears of despair and anguish away, he found himself looking at another solider.
This solider was from the Royal Doctor sect, dressed in green armour.
His face was mostly hidden under a green helmet in the shape of a dragon, that was the God of Magic and Healing.

The solider looked at him with hope on his warn, old face and said "this solider, humbly greets Advisor Daniels" Advisor Daniels waved his hand quickly whilst walking towards him and asked hopefully "do you bring good-news, please tell me you do?" The solider couldn't help but smile and say "yes, I have. 4 women crash landed just outside the Royal Palace, in a machine that I have never set eyes on before" at the sound of this Advisor Daniels, in a moment of happiness hugged the shocked solider, pulled back and asked "where are they, now?" The solider had to get his baring's back, after being hugged by the Advisor of the King, once he did he said "sect leader is looking after them now, to see if they have been injured in there fall. I shall take you there with me". The solider of the Royal Doctor sect, bowed to him and asked for Advisor Daniels to follow him. For the first time that day he could not be any happier, after all after tonight it would be a full year until the next 'Eve Of The Dark Wolf', another year of existence for human kingdom of Golden Star, before the next ceremony.
He was so happy, that he couldn't help but have a little bounce in his step.

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