Chapter 78

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Three old woman with pale white cloaks of mourning, sat around a black cauldron stirring a silver and gold liquid, in a cold dark room, only lit by there unusual golden eyes that seemed to have a light in them.

No one knew who they where or where they came from, but as every mythical creature and shapeshifter knew, they where the watchers of birth, death and rebirth. Fashioned by the universe herself, to stand guard and protect the delicate balance of life, that was held in the cauldron. But also, they where said to be that of how prophecy's came about, from there mouths where the words of the gods, goddesses and even the universe herself, to be bestowed on witches, wizards and special humans alike.

They began to chant an ancient prophecy, as ancient as time itself:

Three beings stand on a deserted hill.
One has the key to the red dragon and the end of all things.
One is the servant of the darkness.
And finally one who will either bring the end or be the saviour of the universe.
Twice and thrice the cauldron turns: bubbles, hisses and spits.
Twice and thrice the cauldron turns: soon a truth of old will come, unburied and dark it will come.
The truth of all things and the purpose of all things will come, to see if the young race of man will be ready for this truth.

To the watchful eye and the listening ear, it would seem to not make sense for what these three women have chanted.
But as every mythical and magical creature knows, not everything has to make sense to know there is a warning behind it, the problem sometimes is it's............too late to change it.

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