Chapter 48

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Susan and Zagthar, walked to the end of the beach where a large oak log was lying down with a tree behind it with fairy lights curled up it. Susan sat on the log, whilst Zagthar looked at the clear blue sea, making it look magical as the full moon shone down on it.

Susan asked whilst trying not to wince with her sore throat "what did Mr Night want you to tell me, that he couldn't?" He breathed out a long sigh and said jokingly "you know Susan, I have met many enemies in my life, too many to count. I never feared any of them, just pitied them. But for the first time in my entire existence, I fear this moment than any other. Isn't that stupid?" She got up slowly and asked "what do you mean?" Zagthar turned around and asked "have you ever heard of humans changing into something else?" She looked at him confused, wondering where this was going but she played along anyway, so she said "yes of course, they have been in many legends and myths all around the world. But why are we talking about this, they are only stories, they are not real.......are they?" He stroked Susan's cheek lovingly, with pain and regret in his eyes, he never wanted her to know this way, he thought he had more time. Then after awhile looking into her beautiful brown eyes, as if savouring the moment in fear it will be his very last, he let his hand fall then turned back to the sea and said "the creatures that mankind/human race, that humans that turn into monsters, may come from a small amount of chosen ones, but most of the stories are from us. We where extremely proud when we first stepped onto this planet many centuries ago, thinking that we could make humans bend to are will after they destroyed everything that we held dear. But we soon realised, even though they couldn't kill us they where not to be messed with and having this race of humans knowing of are existence, before we where even ready, was a step too far and the creator paid the price for that mistake"

He turned around to make sure that Susan was still there and sure enough she was, just very shocked. She shook her head and said looking at him with disbelief " No, stop you are crazy. I have already had another crazy person trying to kill me and just my lu....."

Zagthar, looked at his beautiful mate in pain. He thought all he had to do was tell her that part, but she still didn't believe him. It felt like his bones where crawling with insects whilst biting, he never wanted to tell her this soon, but he had to after what happened. He digged his fingernails into his legs as he opened his mouth and said sadly "it's true my love, I know that you cannot and will not believe me until you see my true form. But please I beg you, do not run or scream, I know that is what the human brain will automatically do, but I give you my word as your mate, I will not harm you or touch you unless you do it yourself" he shut his eyes tight, as he began to change into his true form and even afterwards because he couldn't stand to see the horror on his mates face when he showed her his true face.

As soon as he changed he heard a gasp of surprise and alarm, with a heavy heart he turned around to face the sea, but before he had the chance to he heard her say that he never thought his mate would ever say "wow, okay it's kinda scary but at the same time...just wow" he slowly opened his eyes to see Susan look up at him with a look of wonder on her face and no trace at all of being scared or fearful of him.

He tilted his monstrous head to the right and asked unsure with a hint of hope "you are not scared of me?" Susan said whilst raising her shoulders "well I suppose I should, my body is screaming for me to run away, but I don't want too. All I know is that you haven't harmed me, you are letting me get used to your world one small step at a time and not rushing me" she then looked back along the beach where she was nearly at deaths door and said "And believe me, there are plenty of human monsters in this world, that don't think at all" then she turned back to him and asked softly "but please can give me more time to get used to your true form though?" It felt like all his problems had instantly disappeared, he reached out one of his clawed hands and said "of course my beautiful mate, I'm so glad that you can accept my true face" she leaned into his clawed hand and then realising what had happened, her eyes widened in fear and said "I need to find Alice, before Mr Young wakes up" and with that she ran back to the house followed by Zagthar, without telling the most important part of what he needed to tell her.

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