Day 109 4th July 2020

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There's 5,747 cases in Northern Ireland, 284,900 in the UK and 25,509 in Ireland. There were no new cases in Northern Ireland which is good.

When I got up I watched Families of The Mafia and the son whose dad was in the Irish mafia was at a bar. He was stirring up trouble and he got kicked out, but went back into the bar and had to be kicked out a second time. The police were called and everyone was trying to get away, but he didn't really seem to care. He ended up getting arrested. I couldn't believe how stupid he was, he should've left the first time.

The Office and Michael started up his new company with Pam. He was in his dressing gown, so Pam made a list to get things started. He found out that he wasn't allowed to do his business from home, so he had to find an office space and people to help him. He went and got a friend from the call centre and Ryan who was working at a bowling alley and he had blonde hair.

They got an office space at his old work building, but it was very cramped and they could hear the toilet flushing and Toby talking while he was on the toilet.

They got a client and I thought it was good for them. Michael was trying to take clients from Dwight and Dwight told Charles about it. Michael was sabotaged. 

Dwight invited Michael and his team out to apologise, but while they were out, Dwight went to their office and put a fish in the vents and stole stuff. I thought it was very mean. 

After that I watched You've Been Framed and they showed kids in toy cars and adults on quad bikes. There was a really funny bit where the quad went out of control and the person was ran over. There was also a kid who got ran over.

There was a really funny video where a cat was standing by a pool and another cat came up from behind and tapped the cat, it fell into the pool. It was so funny. Thankfully the cat got out of the pool safely.

Then I watched Natural Born Killers, which is a movie with Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey Jr. and Tommy Lee Jones in it. My dad picked it, so I assumed it would be good, especially with famous people in it, but it was awful.

Woody and his girlfriend, Juliette had traumatic pasts and they got together and went round killing people, that was pretty much the whole movie. I found it very boring and didn't really like any of the characters. I was even confused as to whether people were watching them on a TV show or if they were meant to be real people in the movie, they were real people within the movie. It's the worst movie I've seen in ages.

Then I watched The Sopranos. Junior was in a bad state and Bobby and Janice were too busy to watch over him, so Tony had to go over. Junior had no idea who Tony was and he went downstairs and shot Tony, it was a shock. Tony was reaching for the phone, but he went unconscious. It was so tense.

They kept showing Tony in a dream and I couldn't be bothered with it, I wanted to know what was going on in real life.

Tony was in a coma in the hospital and Sil had to be the acting boss and it seemed like he didn't really like it. Everyone was visiting Tony and talking to him, it was kinda emotional. At the end Tony woke up, but he could barely talk. I hope he'll get better soon. 

When I was going to bed my dad updated me on my grandad. He aid that the tumour had been taken out and that there was another operation that he'd gone in for. He had part of his pancreas removed and now he needs to take loads of pills when he's eating or else he'll get diarrhoea. Then they said he'd never had cancer at all and they'd made a mistake, that second surgery wasn't needed at all. It's awful and there could be someone walking around with cancer, thinking they're fine. I feel so sorry for my grandad and the person that actually has the rare cancer. I really hope he'll sue the hospital, I can't believe they made such a big mistake.

Then I told my friends and Nathan and Rachel were sympathetic, but Bradley just said at least he doesn't have cancer and then eh. I thought he was very insensitive and I didn't think he'd be like that.

Then later I sent a funny thing I found on Buzzfeed about straight guys flirting and it reminded me of Tinder. Bradley said he doesn't flirt and I said it was more about the guys on Tinder, it wasn't aimed at any of my guy friends.

Then he said what's up slave mind, that's what he referred to me as. We had a discussion a few days ago or a week ago about him wanting rid of the police and saying that people can understand whatever they want. I disagreed with him then because the police are needed to take statements and be called to crimes, but he disagreed with me. He was saying that teachers breed stupid and smart people and basically said the government created slaves to their system. He also said that if people try really hard then they'll understand something, I don't agree with that because no matter how hard I tried to understand maths, some of it I just couldn't grasp.

Because of the difference of opinions and Bradley being brutally honest, he now says that I have a slave mindset. It doesn't even make sense to me and I disagree with him, I think it was very rude of him. Especially when I was angry and upset about what happened with my grandad. 

Then he went on about again tonight and was talking about capitalism and asked how I was going to fix it. I'm kinda interested in politics, but not so much that I want to have a full on debate about capitalism and all that. I don't know much about the economical aspect of politics. It annoyed me that he said I should fix it because that isn't my job and I wouldn't even know how to do it, I said he should do it because he's so interested in it and he's a white male, they're usually a lot more privileged than most people. I know I'm privileged, but not as much as him because of gender.

He said he was becoming more politically active and he was going to start a campaign or something, I'm not sure if I'd support him or not because his views are very extreme. Then he said communism is coming, I don't think I've heard of any country doing well with that kind of politics. It sounds good on paper, but it never actually works.

Then he was going on about what would change, some of it sounded good, but some of it was nonsense. I really think Bradley has some extreme views and it's rude that he says I have a slave mindset just because I don't agree with him. I barely even know what he means when he says I have a slave mind.

He's coming to my house on Monday with Ethan and Chloe, I really hope he doesn't go on about this shit when he comes over. He's not usually so political and I've found him more annoying than normal recently. Unfortunately Nathan isn't coming because his dad has health issues.

It's also a bit annoying that Bradley basically said everyone was coming to my house, it's probably because my house is the biggest. But we could've met at the park, although he couldn't get drunk there and he's an alcoholic. 

Sorry for the rant, Bradley just annoys me quite a bit sometimes. We were never friends in the first place, I used to hate him. Then a few years ago I saw him again after not seeing him for about 2 years, I told Ethan I fancied him and Ethan started inviting him to things. The crush lasted for a while, but it went away when I realised how different we were and he started drinking too much and smoking weed. He still thinks I fancy him, even though it couldn't be farther from the truth. He also kissed my friend Rachel when we were all cuddling and he stuck his hand in my face. I thought it was disgusting and very disrespectful, I was quite annoyed with both of them but never said anything. 

Sorry, I ranted again. He can just be a pretty bad friend sometimes. I'm always second best with all my friends, it's not a nice feeling. I've gone through so much shit with all of them, I could talk about it all day and write an essay on it.

Anyway, bye for today, I hope you're all safe and healthy.

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