35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2

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We walked through the woods that lead to the stadium whilst Fred and I held hands as we all talked, laughed and joked as we walked until we were faced with the shadow of the massive stadium.

"Seats a hundred thousand with a Ministry task force of five hundred have been working on it all year. Muggle-repelling charms on every inch of it. Every time a muggle gets near they've suddenly remembered urgent appointment and had to dahs away again... bless them." He tells us all.

He leads us to the nearest entrance, "Prime seats!" Said the Ministry witch at the entrance, when she checked out tickets. "Top box! Straight upstairs Arthur and as high as you can go,"

We climb the stairs whilst I hold Fred's hand as we look around in amazement with the rest of the crowd.

"I'm so excited!" I say to Fred as we continue walking the stairs.

"I can see by that big grin on your face." He tells me.

"Although I don't like waking up all these stairs, my legs are aching." I tell him as we keep waking.

We then reached the top of the stair cases and breathed finding our selves in a small box as the rest of the hundred thousand were taking their seats. So far no one else was here and I sat next to Fred and Charlie.

"Are you still mad for me betting all of my money?" He asks me.

"Yes." I answer truthfully.

"How can I make it up to you," he says getting closer to my face forgetting we are in a room with other people.

"Let me think about it." I say winking at him.

"I see what George means now," Charlie said giggling from behind me. "I reckon you'll be the first to get married."

"Seriously?" Fred and I say looking at each other then back to him.

"That's if you don't marry a dragon first." I tell him giggling lightly.

"I'm not going to marry a dragon." Charlie tells me laughing along with me.

"On a serious note I don't know how Fred was the first one to get a serious girlfriend, he is the most in serious person I know of along with George." Charlie says honestly.

"Well y/n is the more serious one but she puts up with not only George and I but Lee as well." Fred says.

"Yes out of the four of you she is the more serious one, one of you four had to be." Charlie says and we all giggle lightly.

"Some of us had no choice," I say opening my programme, I brought one for me and both of the twins.

Throughout the next half an hour between reading the programme and joining light conversation with the Weasleys, along with Arthur greeting other Ministry members including the Minister of magic who Percy bless his heart just embarrassed himself in front of which was somewhat entertaining. The minister then greeted Harry them introduced him to the wizards on either side of him.

"Harry Potter, you know... Harry Potter... oh, come on now, you know who he is... the boy who survived you-know ... you do know who he is..." Fudge was trying to explain to how I guessed was the Bulgarian Minister.

He finally got what Fudge was saying.

"Knew we would get there in the end," fudge said.

He carried on talking as I stared of into the distance then in the corner of my eye I noticed some familiar faces.

My parents and siblings along with the Malfoys, they had always been close and were probably going to try and marry Lucinda off to them.

Fudged welcomed them all.

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