53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One

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"Another day stuck in this house." Melody groans as she flops onto her bed.

"So have I, I've read a book, played the piano , bothered everyone I can and tried to sneak into the order meeting. Godric I would do anything to be back at the burrow." I rely to her.

"Agreed, it's so boring here." Melody says.

"I wish I had an invisibility cloak then we could and with Molly dragging us to help cleaning all the time." I moan.

"If I wanted to do this job, I would be a house elf like kreacher." Melody says groaning.

Ah yes, kreature, considering he is a servant in this house he is extremely disrespectful, no one here likes him here but they can't let him go he apparently knows too much.

"I hate that thing." I say with disgust, "should go and live in the Avery house, he would love it there."

"Would be very fitting." She replies.

"Yeah." I say shuffling around on my bed.

Fred, George and Jack walk into the room, looking like they've all been having fun all afternoon.

"Godric, you too look miserable." Jack says.

"We are." Melody and I say in unison.

"Should of come to watch us, it was fun." Fred says.

"For you three, yes, but for us it's not that much fun." Melody replies.

"I'm going to see how long dinner is going to be I'm hungry." I say hoping off of my bed.

"Me too." Melody says.

"Guess we will come as well." George says and all five of walk down the multiple fights of stairs.

We walk into the kitchen with some order members sitting there including Remus, Tonks and Bill who was now working at Gringotts and was getting very familiar with Fleur.

I sit at the table in between my dad and Fred, throughout the last couple of weeks my dad had been quite protective over the last couple of weeks, along with showing me some more baby photos that were here along with tapestry, with his face burnt out but with me on the tree. Apparently the tapestry automatically adds family members, even if their parents have been burnt out including myself and Tonks.

"When's dinner going to be, mum?" Fred asks as I lean my head on him slightly, not knowing whether I was tired, bored or hungry at this point.

"About thirty minutes," Molly replies.

"So how's Fleur, Bill?" I ask with a smirk.

"She's good..." he replies back with a small smile, see I knew I was right when I told him he liked her.

"Oooo." Melody chimes in as the parents are all talking.

"She's a lovely girl Bill don't worry." I reply back.

I hear Fred and George talking in whispers next to each other about their joke shop products including fever fudge, the skiving snacks boxes and all the other products they were developing, this helped with the money that Harry gave them and they were going to start selling once we go back in September.

I see Tonks opposite the table showing Melody different faces she can do, I always found it funny. I sat in deep thought whilst everyone else at the table was talking. As much as I try not to think about Cedric's death and that there is more deaths to come and that the people I love are going to get hurt or die.

"Y/n?" My dad says next to me, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking." I say with a small smile.

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