95. Life after the War

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Eleven months later...

"Mummy, daddy!" Fred and I hear from the door, as we were snuggled and sound asleep in bed.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks.

"I had a nightmare." Thea says, with a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Come here then." Fred says, picking her up and putting her into bed with the two of us.

"Mummy still sleeping?" Thea asks, trying to be quiet.

"Yes, mummy has a Quidditch match later, and we are all going to watch her and auntie Katie." Fred says, as I feel Thea lay between Fred and I.

"Okay, daddy." Thea says, before I hear her settle down again and I peacefully get back to sleep.

The last year had many challenges, which we've all faced together...

Firstly, Melody gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl and named her Alicia Anna Belford and Anna and I were present during the birth.

Secondly, the Hogsmeade brunch of Weasley Wizard Wheezes opened in September; Fred and I found a lovely house, just outside of Hogsmeade that had six bedrooms, four bathrooms, an office, a big kitchen diner and a living room with a fireplace to floo. The house was a very traditional house which we loved, and we had enough space for all of the kids including Teddy who still stayed for the weekends.

George had also proposed to Angelina, and they were getting married at the end of this August with Melody, Ginny, Thea, Lyra and myself as bridesmaids, this was before Melody had baby Alicia. Fred was of course best man but Angelina struggled to find a maid of honour so she asked Katie and she happily said yes.

For the most part everyone was happy, Ron and Hermione and now Ginny and Harry were in relationships as well and they all seemed happy.

"Morning gorgeous." Fred says, pressing a kiss on my forehead.

"Morning handsome, got quidditch today, are you still all coming?" I ask Fred.

"Of course we are, none of us would miss it for the world now would we girls?" Fred says, and I look at the doorway where they were both standing.

"No, we want to see mummy play." Lyra says.

"And we will all have our jumpers on." Fred says, as I get out of bed.

We all eat breakfast together every morning, with the four kids in their highchairs and sitting at the table it was what I loved about every morning.

"I should be going now, I'll see you all after the match, girls be good for your dad and don't tie the skipping ropes round the chairs again." I say, placing kisses on all of their foreheads. "I love you all."

"Don't I get a proper kiss?" Fred ask, standing up and wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a soft kiss.

"There you go, I love you but I've got to go now Freddie, I don't want to be late." I say, blowing some kisses towards the kids.

"We will see you later, bye love." Fred says, and I walk out of the door and into the garden apparatting to the stadium.

"I thought you were going to be late then." Katie says.

"No, I was just saying bye to Fred and telling the girls to behave and not pull any pranks on Fred and I had to help him feed Teddy and Sirius." I say as we walk to the changing rooms.

"Those girls are truly doubles of Fred and George." Katie says with a small laugh, as we walk into the changing room.

"I thought you two were going to be late then." Gwen the captain tells us. "Kids?"

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