5. Oh no

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It is now two days after Fred and I officially started dating and it was breakfast Monday morning and post got delivered, what was strange it that I received a letter from my parents I stared at the letter.

"Love are you okay?" Fred asked me.

"Erm, we will see, this is a letter from my parents" I show them all. "This is not good."

I rip open the letter.

Y/n Avery,

We recently heard that you and Fred Weasley have started dating and one word for it is no, we have told you countless times that being friends was okay but this is a big no, you will come home for Christmas and your birthday ball we will then set you up with a suitable partner of our choice.

We just want what best for you and the family name, you will see in the future that we made the right decision for you and you won't regret it.

We hope you come to the right choice or you know what the consequences will be.

From, Your mother and father.

My face dropped from the letter are they threatening me? I could feel my eyes welling up and I stood up without hesitation and ran out of the hall into the court yard sobbing.

I sat down with my head in my arms, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me but it wasn't Fred it was Melody.

"Hey is okay, let it all out" she said as she rubbed my back.

I cried even harder and hugged her back I was still clutching that stupid letter, once a calmed down a bit Melody started talking, "do you want to talk about it y/n?"

I nodded my head, "read this" I hand her the letter she reads it gasping then bringing me into another hug.

"They threatened to disown you if you don't split up with Fred." She asked.

I nodded my head I was still crying, "they don't understand all they care about is blood supremacy!" I shout standing up pacing, it was a habit I done often when I was stressed.

"They couldn't care if I was the unhappiest person in the world as long as I married a pure blood with all the pure blood values and money they would be happy and not take into consideration my feelings and what makes me happy!" I continue pacing around the court yard there was still 20 minutes till first period started.

"They honestly don't even care that Fred makes me happy! His family have treated me more like family in one summer than my parents have in my whole life! And yes I know it's early days in our relationship but he has been my best friend since we started here and I love him more than I would ever love any pureblood suprematist, if I could even love them!" I shout and I turn back to Melody and see all of my friends.

Fred walks over to me and hugs me, "how much of that did you hear?" I asked him.

"When you started talking about how happy I make you" he said.

"So you heard the last bit?" I asked.

"The bit when you said you love me, oh yeah I heard that." I look up at him and he starts smirking at me.

"Shut up." I said burying my head into his chest I started crying again.

"Hey darling it's okay, it will all be okay" he tries to reassure me.

"Are you sure?" I ask him

"Yes and I know that because I love you too." I look up and smile at him.

He wipes my tears away, "you know Freddie, you are such a softy sometimes." I start giggling.

"She smiles!" He laughs.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now