40. The Three Unforgivable Curses

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We all arrive at the Great Hall for breakfast and McGonagall hands us all our time tables, I have the same lessons as I did last year so do most of the group apart from Fred, George and Lee who were now discussing ways they could make themselves older to enter the Triwizard Tournament.

"Are they seriously still talking about it?" Alicia asks looking up from her time table.

"Yes they are." I say slightly rolling my eyes at the three of them.

"So we have Defence Against the Dark Arts first, everyone is doing that right?" Angelina asks.

"Yeah, I think it's the only lesson we are all together in." I say to them all as I eat my porridge.

"And us five are in the rest of our classes together?" Jack asks.

"I think so, apart from when you all do divination." I say to the group.

We all ate breakfast while Fred, Lee and George keep talking about ways to age themselves up.

"I love how, he has taken no notice of me this morning, even though he said he'll talk to me." I say as finish my bowl of porridge.

"Really?" Melody asks.

"Yes, it's like half the time he can be clever and the other half of the time, he is so stupid." I say grabbing my pumpkin juice and finishing the contents in the glass.

I look at the clock in the Great Hall, "I suppose we should make our way to DADA," I say as I get up, Angelina, Alicia, Melody and Jack all follow.

"Are you not going to wait for Fred?" Angelina asks.

"Nope, he doesn't care about grades anyway, I can't afford to loose out because of him." I say speeding off to DADA, when I bump into someone.

"Oh sorry, Cedric, I wasn't looking where I was going." I say to the boy.

"It's fine y/n, I wasn't looking properly either, Defence Against the Dark Arts?" He asks.

"Yeah, same class?" I ask him.

"Yeah, where's Fred and George?" He asks me and I roll my eyes slightly.

"Don't get me started on them, want to walk to DADA with me?" I ask him and he nods.

We walk down the last strip of the corridor, "if you want to know, they want to enter the Triwizard Tournament but they don't turn seventeen until April so they are thinking of stupid ways to enter." I say as we reach the classroom.

"Sounds like them indeed, are you going to enter?" He asks me.

"Oh no, I don't turn seventeen until December anyway, are you going to enter?" I say to him.

"Yeah, I turn seventeen next week." He tells me.

I walk to a desk at the front, "come and sit next to me." I say to him and he obliges.

"Are you sure, I know Fred normally sits next to you." He tells me.

"Yeah it's fine." I say getting my things out for the lesson.

Everyone else arrives for the lesson apart from the twins and Lee, the class is Hufflepuff and Gryffindor as they needed to split the year up as many people passed the Defence Against the Dark Arts OWL.

I hear the door open once again from behind me, and see Lee, George and Fred.

As we usually sat in the second row, Fred looked there to find me, but the seat was empty he then saw my face and saw Cedric sitting next to me and his face showed how angry he was as he sat down behind me.

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