12. The birthday Ball

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We arrive back at the manor and take my bags up to my room, I walked in it looks so familiar yet I haven't stayed in here for just under a year. I sit my bags down in my room and walk around looking at things I have forgotten about, I left the door too and see a familiar figure walking.

"Could you come down the the study please?" My father asks me, I walk down with him and see Lucinda and Austin talking to each other and stop when we pass them.

I walk into the study with my father and look around to see portraits of muggle borns being tortured, that painting still gives me nightmares till this day. My parents sit me down opposite them.

"I presume you know what we want to talk about?" My father says, before I could even reply my mother interrupts.

"Of course she does, it about her acting like a little blood traitor." My mother stares glaring at me coldly.

"Katherine, she's just a child be a little less harsh on her." My father turns around to her and says, he was always kinder to me whereas my mum was always horrible to me even as a child.

"No she knows what she's doing!" My mother shouts, "don't you?" She turns looking at me.

"What am I doing wrong, I know you don't like the Weasleys but this is too far-" before I can even finish what I am saying my mother interrupts me.

"They are blood traitors who associate themselves with muggles it's how you are turning out as well, we told you to break things off with whatever child of the Weasleys and you don't it makes us look stupid!" She shouts

"If you are talking about Fred, then yes and how does it make you look stupid?" I ask her.

"Because of our status and wealth you shouldn't be with someone like that, so that's why..." before she could finish my dad interrupts her.

"Katherine this bit can wait for later, we need y/n to get ready as it is already 5 and guests start showing up at 8 for the big entrance." My dad says firmly as he dismisses me from the study and I make my way up to my bedroom.

On my way I see my brother and sister still talking, "you know y/n this how thing is quite funny." Austin says, "you honestly thought you was going to get away with doing that."

"Does my happiness make you sad or something?" I ask him.

"No just seeing you with a blood traitor is disgusting." He replies and Lucinda agrees.

"Everyone talks about how disgusting it is" Lucinda says, "does that not bother you?" She asks me.

"Nope because I don't care about the opinion of  your little rats of friends and it clearly bothers you all a lot more than me." I say as I push past them both and go into my room.

I take a shower, apply make up to my face and do my hair, there was a knock on the door and my mother hands me a dress.

"You shall wear this." She says and walks away.

I slip the dark green dress on that has black layers underneath it, I grab the diadem that was my grandmothers and place it on my head and put my black heels on. I walk over to my window and see guests arriving and I see familiar faces that I go to school with. There was a soft knock on the door and it opens.

"Are you ready?" I was my father.

"Yes," I turn round and give him a soft smile.

"I still can't believe you are 16 now and how beautiful you are." He tells me.

"Thank you dad, lots of people tonight?" I ask him.

"Yes indeed it's not every day one of my daughters turns 16 now is it?" He says as he straightens the diadem on my head.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now