91. One year of marriage

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"Come on you, we've got to go back to the Burrow to get your baby scan done, Bill and Fleur said they'll stay here at look after Thea and Lyra." Fred says, as I sit on the edge of the bed rubbing my baby bump.

"Hmm, okay." I say to him, as I stay sitting down for another minute.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks me.

"Nothing, it's silly really." I say, as I look up at him.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks, sitting next to me and wrapping an arm over me.

"I don't feel like this should be happening, I've not seen my best friend in over six months she would of been the first person I would of told and she's not here." I say, with tears slowly falling down my cheeks.

"Hopefully we can see them all soon, we don't really know how long they are going to be gone for or how long everything is going to take." Fred says.

"I know, it's just hard... last time I had a big support system and we didn't have to live our lives like this all the isolation is driving me mad." I say, continuing to run my bump before Fred helps me up.

"When we come back we can talk about it, if you want to that is." Fred says, as I grab my cardigan from the coat hook.

"Thanks my love, maybe we can have a little picnic." I say to him, with a small smile as we walk down the stairs.

"That sounds nice and we can put Thea and Lyra into some of their nice little dresses." Fred says, as we walk into the living room and see Bill and Fleur both playing with the girls.

"When did you become such a fashion expert?" I ask Fred, before we walk over to the girls and place kisses on the top of both their heads. "Thea - Lyra, please be good girls for uncle Bill and auntie Fleur."

They look up at Fred and I and give us cheeky smiles, before they go back to playing.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine; now go and check on the smallest Weasley." Bill tells us.

"Okay - but if they don't behave please tell us." Fred says, before helping me up.

"Fred, they are going to be just fine." Fleur says. "And they are very well behaved, I can't see them getting up to much trouble as they are so little."

"You would be surprised." I say with a small laugh. "Thea, Lyra we love you lots and we will see you both very soon."

Fred helps me out of the house as we walk outside of where the enchantments are and we apparate back to the burrow; as soon as we walk in we are both engulfed in hugs from Molly and Arthur then hearing footsteps from George and Angelina.

"Baby Weasley is getting big." Molly says, with a smile, as she guides us into the living room.

"Yeah, and already causing me to go to the toilet twice in night so I dread to think what it is going to be like closer to the due date." I say, as I sit on the sofa with Fred sitting next to me.

"You'll be okay, how are Thea and Lyra?" George asks.

"Cheeky." I say looking between Fred and George. "Very cheeky, they remind me of two people I know."

"Who's that then?" They ask in unison with the biggest smirks on their faces.

"Hmm I don't know, but I can't wait to find out the sex of this little one." I say, rubbing my bump gently.

"We are all very excited about it, another grandchild." Arthur says, with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah and the last one from us." I say and Fred slightly tenses up again. "But you have six other kids so the world in fine."

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now