41. The Makeover

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I open my eyes and blink a few times, to see that I'm in the infirmary.

"I think we need to get them to talk to her-" Arthur says to Molly who looks at me.

"Oh y/n dear we've been so worried." She says rushing over to my bedside.

"What happened?" I ask them both.

"Well you were in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Moody was showing you all the unforgivable curses and we've been told that you got up and you just passed out. Do you remember anything?" Arthur asks me.

"Well... I've been having these dreams and..." I start saying.

"Molly already told me about them has anything else happened in them?" Arthur asks me as Molly holds my hand sitting next to me.

"Yeah actually... when Moody performed the killing curse on the spider I saw another memory... I saw a women who looked like me be killed by it as a toddler." I say to them both and they look at each other then back to me.

"I don't think these are dreams y/n..." Arthur starts saying.

"Neither do I." I say, before anyone of us could say anything else, the door to the infirmary bursts open and a group of kids coming running towards me first being Fred.

"Has she woken up yet?" He asks before looking at me, running over and engulfing me in a tight hug. "You're awake." He says placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"Right now, your up, we will get going make sure to write, bye kids." Molly says before her and Arthur go to who I would guess would be Dumbledores office.

"So what happened?" Fred asks letting go of me.

"I'm not sure." I lie as the rest of my friends surround my bed even Cedric was standing with Jack and Melody.

"I'm fine." I say with a small smile on my face as Fred takes my hand.

"Good because I've never seen Fred panic so much." George says, smirking at Fred who now had slightly red cheeks.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Melody asks.

"Yes I'm fine, I woke up literally five minutes before you lot go here, I'm guessing it's lunch time." I question.

"Yeah, we wanted to make sure you were okay first." Angelina says.

"I'm fine, go and eat lunch, you can all come back later." I tell them all.

"Are you sure?" Alicia asks me, "we don't want you to be by yourself."

"I'll be fine I-"

"I'll stay with her." Fred tells them all.

"Okay we will be back in a bit." Lee says, leading them all out of the infirmary except Cedric.

"What do you want?" Fred asks him with aggression in his tone of voice.

"Snape set us as partners for Potions, and we have an essay due in next week on Elixir to induce Euphoria, he also said if you need any help on it to come to me for help." He smiles at me.

"Thank you Cedric, see you later." I say to him.

"See you later y/n, Fred." He says before walking off.

"What's going on there then?" Fred says irritated, once Cedric walked out of the room.

"He was filling me in on what I missed in potions." I say.

"It looks like something more than that y/n," he said slightly raising his voice, "you sit next to him in Defence Against the Dark Arts, he is telling me how I should treat you. I don't realise I was in a three-way relationship." He says angrily.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now