11. Sweet Sixteen

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Today is the 19th of December and it's the day before my birthday. I was excited for tomorrow even though I'm spending it on the train home I still get to be with my best friends the whole day.

"Y/n fancy coming in a walk with me?" Fred asked smiling down at me.

"Of course, shall I grab my coat and scarf?"

"Yes you should." He tells me, this will probably me the last time we spend together, just us before tomorrow.

"Give me a minute" I run into my dorm and quickly grab my coat, scarf and change to into my boots.

I run back down the stairs and see Fred waiting for me.

"Come on then love." Fred holds his hand out to me and I take it as well leave them common room.

We walk through corridors onto the grass and the sun is slowly setting behind the forbidden forest.

"I can't believe we are going home tomorrow." Fred tells me, "I'm going to miss you loads." He tells me as he pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around him.

"I'm going to miss you the most." I tell him.

We were standing watch the sun set for another 20 minutes in comfortable silence, when Fred said, "shall we go back to then?"

"Yeah, come on then." We start walking slowly back to the common room and Fred keeps slowing me down.

"Fred hurry up." I tell him, "it should be you dragging me along not the other way round."

"Okay, okay." He says as he picks up his pace a bit.

We start walking up the stairs to the common room and get to the portrait and say the password, it was hard to remember passwords when they were getting changed all the time.

"Password?" The portrait asks

"Flibbetgibbet." I say

The portrait then swings open the common room was extremely quite for the time of the evening as it had only just got dark, I walk in the common room and a chorus of "surprise!" Was heard.

"Happy birthday, love" I hear from behind me.

"Did you do this?" I ask Fred, as someone put music on in the back ground.

"Yes, with the help of our friends of course."

"Thank you, best boyfriend ever." I tell him.

A lot of these songs I've never heard of before but I liked them, I think it's muffle music because most people that are muggle born or half bloods know them.

I see friends from different houses and talk to them for a bit, dancing with all of my friends and Fred.

The night goes by so quickly and I don't want it to end, everyone from different houses go back to their dormitories and it's just my group left this is where the 'fun' begins.

Fred pulls out a bottle of fire Whiskey and another of gin.

He pours eight glasses and hands us all one each. "To the birthday girl." He says

"To the birthday girl." Everyone replies.

We all down the fire whiskey in our glasses and all pull faces.

"Where did you get this from?" I ask them all.

"Charlie sent it for your birthday." George replied.

"Of course Charlie would." I say laughing.

We carry on drinking and then the clock strikes 12.

"Happy birthday!" They all said.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now