48. The Yule Ball

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A/N: so before this chapter begins I'm going to say now there is going to be smut in this chapter but I will put a warning so you can skip past it if you don't want to read it. :)

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Today is the day that everyone has been looking forward to... the Yule Ball. We were all so excited for tonight but we had to celebrate Christmas first. I wake up in Fred's bed as we decided to have a sleep over last night, I roll over and bury my face into his bare chest and his arms tighten around me.

"Merry Christmas Freddie," I say sleepily.

"Merry Christmas beautiful." He replies sounding more sleepy than me.

He leans down to my forehead and presses a light kiss on it, making me smile.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Lee shouts.

"Merry Christmas." I reply lifting my head off of Fred's chest.

"Presents?" George asks.

"Yeah sure." I say moving out of Fred's arms and getting out of the bed and Fred does the same. Fred pulls a top over his face and on to his body and we all quickly brush our teeth and then I brush my hair.

Fred, George, Lee and myself make our way downstairs to see Melody, Alicia, Angelina and Jack waiting for us along with other students sitting downstairs opening their presents.

"Merry Christmas, everyone." I say as we walk into the common room and a chorus of merry Christmas is then heard. We walk over to the rest of our friends who are sitting by the Christmas tree and had already sorted all of our presents into piles.

"So who's opening presents first?" I ask the group.

"We could just all open them at once." Lee suggests eyeing up his presents. This year, Fred and I decided to buy the presents together for the group.

We all start opening presents and I open my one from Melody she said my present and Fred's present from Jack matched in some sort of way

I see a box which I open to see a set of red lace bra and knickers and quickly close the top of the box, with my face turning a slight shade of red.

"Melody!" I whisper yell.

"What?" She then looks at my flustered face. "Oh I see you opened the present." She then has a small smirk on her face.

"Yes..." I start saying.

"You shoulder wear them tonight under your dress robes as your dress is red and you never know you might get lucky." She says with the smirk on her face getting progressively bigger.

"Thank you anyway." I say putting the present aside.

"What's go you blushing y/n?" Lee asks and everyone looks at me.

"Nothing." I say quickly going to open my next present which is from Fred.

We all finish un-wrapping our presents rather quickly and sat with piles of presents. Including presents from the older Weasley brother and of course Mollys jumpers, Charlie sent an enchanted flask which meant it had more room for alcohol which he also sent for us.

"Looks like we are going to have fun tonight." I say to the group.

"Yeah you are." Jack says looking between Fred and I.

"You two have planned something I know you have." I say looking at Melody and Jack.

"We don't now what you mean," Melody says with a smirk that matches her boyfriends.

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