79. The Weasley Black Wedding

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"Mummy loves you, Lyra, yes she does, yes she does." I say to Lyra with a big smile, and she giggles at me. "I do, I do, I do."

"It's one night." Fred tells me.

"And I'm going to miss her, your going to be a good girl for daddy aren't you?" I say to her and she just smiles at me. "I'll see you tomorrow princess, I love you."

I place a kiss on Lyra's forehead and she just smiles at me before I hand her to Fred.

"Next time I see you - you will be walking down the aisle to become Mrs Weasley." Fred tells me.

"Yes, I will be, right I love you both." I tell Fred placing a quick kiss on his lips, before heading out the door and back to the Burrow to spend the night with the girls and well... Arthur.

"There's mummy." Lucinda says, handing me Thea. "She's been crying since you left."

"She's a mummy's girl, aren't you?" I say and she stops crying and begins smiling.

"She clearly is." Lucinda says, "they get to see baby Micheal again tomorrow well, Mickey as we like to call him."

"I haven't seen him for a while, oh Godric, I'm so nervous for tomorrow." I say to her walking into the living room to see the rest of the bridal party.

"Y/n Black nervous?" Angelina asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Never thought, I would of seen the day that happened." Alicia replies. "Anyway Katie can't wait to see you all tomorrow."

"I've missed her, how is she doing now?" Melody asks.

"She's doing really good, and she can't wait to meet the girls; the pictures really don't do justice on how cute they are." Alicia asks.

"They are cute but not at three in the morning." I say, gesturing to the fact the still wake up for their night feeds and Thea doesn't settle easily.

"Well, you don't need to worry about that tonight, Arthur and I will handle it." Molly says, bringing me into a different conversation as the others begin talking.

"Are you sure, she can be really hard to settle down." I tell Molly.

"I'll be fine, I've had seven of my own children, including ones that are difficult." Molly tells me.

"Thank you, Molly. Fred and I really appreciate everything you do for the four of us." I tell her with a smile.

"Anything for you all." She says, then taking Thea from my arms to get her settled down, and Thea is one of the others Molly doesn't cry for.

I join the conversation with the others.

"I'm just glad I finally get a sister, having six older brothers isn't fun." Ginny says.

"Yeah, but being an only child isn't fun." Hermione says.

"Agreed." Alicia and Angelina say in unison.

"I have a boring older sister." Melody jokes.

I see Molly walking back down the stairs.

"She's asleep." Molly says, with a small smile.

"I'll send her round here more often if it only takes you ten minutes." I say, with a small laugh.

"I'll always have my grand babies to stay." Molly says.

"So Dad how does it feel to be outnumbered by girls?" Ginny asks Arthur.

"Weird." He says with a small laugh. "Anyway, Molly we should be off to bed, big day tomorrow and we've got to set up."

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now