34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1

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After arriving back at the tent it was still only Arthur and Ginny there and we sat in the living area waiting for everyone else to turn up.

We sat talking about their joke shop products whilst Arthur was trying to light a life with matches not paying attention to us.

"I was smart enough to not keep them on me." I say to them referring to this mornings antics.

"One of you needs to be the smart one, y/n and you don't suit being stupid." Ginny tells me and  the twins really disagree with her.

"We aren't stupid!" George says grumpily.

"Yeah look at all the stuff we made without y/n's help." Fred then tells her.

"They are smart they just aren't academic like I am." I say truthfully.

We carry on for a while, whilst Arthur is still trying to light the fire with the matches when the younger three kids walk in with the water, they collected.

"You've been ages." George tells them.

"Met a few people. You not got the fire started yet?" Ron asks gesturing towards his dad.

"Arthur is having trouble with the matches." I tell him.

Arthur had been trying to light the fire for a while but he had been struggling.

Hermione helped Arthur light the fire but we had to wait another hour until we could eat anything and we waited outside. Ministry members were walking up and down next to our tents to the pitch quickly greeting Arthur as he walked down. He was telling us each who each member was, well more for Harry and Hermiones benefit as the Weasleys and I knew a lot about the ministry as we all have grown up with our dads in the ministry.

I sat on Fred's lap embracing the sunlight that was above us.

"That was Cuthbert Mockridge, head of the goblin liaison office..." he carries on talking as I turn to Fred and George.

"Do you know when your brothers are going to turn up?" I ask them both and they shrug their shoulders at me.

As by coincidence we see Bill, Charlie and Percy walk out from the woods towards us.

"Just apparated, Dad," Percy announced, "excellent, lunch."

We were halfway through eating lunch when Arthur waved a man over, "Aha, the man of the moment Ludo Bagman!" Arthur announces.

The man walked over with joy in his steps, "ahoy there!" He calls to Arthur the joy in his voice matching the way he walked.

"Arthur, old man, what a day eh? Could we have asked for more perfect weather, a cloudless night coming... and hardly a hiccough in the arrangements, not much left for me to do!" This guy did give me some bad vibes, he seemed a little shifty.

Of course Percy hurried forward to shake his hand to make a good impression.

"Ah yes, this is my son Percy he's just started at the Ministry, and this is Fred - no George sorry - that's Fred, Bill, Charlie, Ron, my daughter Ginny, Fred's girlfriend y/n Avery and Ron's friends, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter." Arthur said introducing us all to the man.

"Everyone, this is Ludo Bagman, you know who he is, it's thanks to him we've got such good tickets"

Bagman beamed and waved his hand as if to say it had been nothing.

"Fancy a flutter on the match Arthur? I've already got Roddy Pontner betting me Bulgaria will score first - I offered him nice odds considering Ireland's front three are the strongest I've seen in years - and little Agatha Timms has put up half shares in her eel farm on a week- long match." Bagman says.

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