83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's

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"No way!" I say with excitement. "And you want me to be the babies Godmother?"

"Of course we do, couldn't think of anyone else more suitable for the job." Uncle Remus says, as I bring him and Tonks into a hug.

"You are the first person apart from my parents that we've told." Tonks tells me. "So will you be our babies Godmother?"

"Of course, I will be!" I say, as we pull away from the hug.

"Just don't tell anyone, with everything going on tomorrow and how the plan has been set in stone for weeks we wouldn't be able to find a replacement for Dora." Uncle Remus says.

"Of course I won't, maybe Fred, because he always knows when I have a secret and I can't keep anything from that man." I say with a smile.

"When I said anyone that excludes Fred." Uncle Remus says, and we laugh a little.

"As lovely as it has been to see you both, I should get back to the Burrow before Molly bites my head off." I say, before standing up and bringing them both into hugs, then apparating to the Burrow.

Walking into the Burrow, something sweet was cooking away and Fleur and Bill were holding their nieces as Molly gets the rest of the kids to help her clean.

"Look girls, it's mummy." Bill says, in a high pitch voice and the turn around and give me big smiles.

"Hello, my beautiful girls. Have you two been good for Uncle Bill and Auntie Fleur?" I ask the girls and they babble excitedly back.

"I take that as a yes, well I'm glad." I say.

"They were very well behaved, they are so lovely." Fleur says, happily.

"They love you guys, well they love the whole family, they are always happy when they are around the family." I say.

"Well uncle Bill is their favourite." Bill says, and I roll my eyes.

"Don't start this one again and unfortunately George is but that's because he looks like their dad so they probably get confused." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, his got an unfair advantage." Bill says, still having a big grin on his face.

"Yeah, just a little bit." I reply, turning to Fleur. "Not long before you also become a Mrs Weasley."

"Yeah - I am very excited to marry Bill and become apart of the family." Fleur says happily, and I look at the clock.

"Yes, and now it's nap time for the next hour for these two." I say, and as if it was timed the babies began yawning.

"I think they agree." Bill says, and I nod, before taking the babies from their arms.

Most people would struggle to carry to babies at once, but for Fred and i it was something that became quite easy for the pair of us. As I walk up the stairs everyone else is cleaning and Molly sees me.

"I'm just putting the girls down for their nap, I might join them thinking about it." I tell Moll, with an innocent smile.

"Hmm, okay." Molly says, eyeing me up suspiciously.

I walk into Fred and George's old room, laying the girls down in their cots, playing a soft lullaby on the baby mobile, before sitting on the bed and pulling out a book. I began reading a new book, that I brought when I was still in Hogwarts and now I found the perfect time to read it and that was Thea and Lyra's nap times.

I read chapter after chapter before the girls eventually woke up, and I couldn't believe an hour passed that quickly and I took the girls down the stairs, where everyone else was sitting down at the table.

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