69. 93 Diagon Alley

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"Come on beautiful, time for you to get up." I hear Fred saying to me, as I open my eyes.

"I'm up!" I tell him.

"I know, but you have the dress shopping today and I don't want you too be late." Fred tells me, and I sit up.

"Thanks sweetie." I tell him as I get out of bed, pulling my dressing gown around me, and walking down the stairs into the kitchen. "Morning George, morning Angie." I say as I head to the fridge.

"Morning." They say in sync.

"Sleep well?" I ask them both. "I see Lee is still asleep."

"Yeah." George says.

"Yeah, looking forward to the dress shopping today?" Angelina asks.

"Yeah, just need to wake up properly first." I tell her.

"It's going to be a bit of a long day." Angelina tells me. "But you can't to find your dream dress."

"I wish I had that much energy this morning." I say, before sipping on pumpkin juice.

"How are bean and pea this morning?" Fred asks me.

"Hungry." I tell him.

"Bean and pea?" George asks and him and Angelina look at each other slightly confused.

"My nick names for the babies." Fred says, placing a kiss on the side of my head.

"That's cute, didn't realise you were such a softy Fred." George tells his brother.

"Didn't realise you was either, but there we go." I tell George.

"Hey - I said no talking about that." George says, trying to shut the conversation down as Lee begins to wake up.

"Anyway - Molly said she is having a little party for Harry's birthday on Sunday so everyone can be there." I say, changing the conversation topic. "So, I need to get him something today, I'll get it before we go dress shopping."

"I'll give you some money to get him something from the four of us." Fred tells me. "Maybe you could pick something up for Ginny's birthday as well."

"Yeah of course I can." I tell him.

We all eat breakfast together before the boys head down to the shop, and Angelina and I get ourselves ready for the day and everyone starts slowly arriving with Lucinda arriving first.

"Look at the babies, how far along are you now?" She asks.

"Sixteen weeks." I tell her.

"Wow - I can't wait to meet them, is it just us thee at the moment?" Lucinda asks.

"Yeah, your a little early but then again we've both been brought up never to be late." I tell her as Angelina sits there.

"That's very true, so who else are we waiting for?" Lucinda asks me.

"Melody, Alicia, then Molly with Ginny, Hermione and I said she could bring Tonks along as well." I reply, when there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Angelina tells me, she opens the door to reveal Melody and Alicia.

As we sit waiting I go and show Lucinda the babies bedroom with the others, then talking about waiting for OWLs and NEWTs when I hear the door open, to see Fred letting in the others.

"Right is everyone ready to go?" I ask them.

"Yeah." Was heard through the room and we al then walk out of the room.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now