78. Happy Birthday, My Love

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It was now the end of March, and it would soon be Fred's birthday and the wedding. Thea and Lyra were now four months old; and I was currently sat watching a film with Fred after putting the girls to bed.

"It feels weird having the place to ourselves." Fred tells me, as I sit snuggled up to him.

"Yeah, and the girls are finally sound asleep and their magic is slightly under control." I say, looking up at him.

"Yeah, it is a slight nightmare with those two, I see what mum meant by it's quite difficult to have young kids that can't really control their magic." Fred replies to me, and I look back up at the tv as he laces his right hand with my left.

"So how was your aunt and uncle, today?" Fred asks me as I went to see my mums family.

"It was good and they got to have a little play date with Issac, he is big now as well and everyone is excited for the wedding and everything is finally at the Burrow, including all of the dresses." I tell Fred and he places a kiss on the side of my head.

"That's amazing, I can't wait to see you walk down that aisle; I don't even know how it would be possible but if you look anymore gorgeous than you do right now, I would cry." Fred says to me and I just shake my head at him.

"Suck up." I say to him as we both try to watch the tv.

"You love me being a little suck up!" Fred exclaims.

"In your dreams!" I tell him.

"Your always in them." He quickly replies.

"Cute, I can't wait for our honeymoon, no kids just us for a week." I tell Fred.

"It will be rather peaceful, well not peaceful exactly but you know what I mean." Fred says, and I roll my eyes playfully at him.

"Funny one." I say to him, placing a quick kiss on his lips. "Anyway, I've got all your birthday stuff ready and George's for tomorrow and then Melody's birthday on the fifth."

"I do think it's funny how half the groups birthday is in April." Fred begins saying. "So you have mine and George's birthday, then Melody's on the fifth, Alicia's on the fourteenth and jacks on the twenty-fifth."

"Makes April expensive, but it's all worth it in the end." I tell Fred.

"What have you got planned?" Fred asks me, with his signature grin.

"You'll find out in the morning, anyway it is time for bed now." I tell him, getting up from the sofa and Fred pulls me back down. "Freddie, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, you should worry your pretty little head about." He says, then pulling me in for a kiss.

"I always worry, have you met me?" I say to hun after we pull away from the kiss.

"Well, yes, I have. I can't wait till I get to marry you, and I know I keep going on about it, but you get to be Mrs Weasley and honestly I cannot wait." Fred tells me, pecking my lips as he wraps his arms around me, so I can't move.

"I can't wait to be a Weasley." I tell him, with a smile. "But I also can't wait to get some sleep, so it's bedtime handsome." I say pecking his lips and trying to move out of his grasp.

"Not so fast, miss Black." Fred says tightening his grip on me.

"Freddie, no, I'm tired and you have work tomorrow and I worked today." I tell Fred.

We kept to the little thing about me working three days a week, well it was now two, so Fred could spend more quality time with the girls.

"Fine - okay." Fred says, letting me stand up and I get some water before we head up to bed together.

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