3. Seriously

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I woke up surprisingly early today, I even had time to have a shower this morning, normally I just have one in the evenings.

So today was the first day of lessons so we had to go and collect our time tables at breakfast, where I was up early I went down by myself and got handed my time table by McGonagall.

"Thank you." I say as I look at my time table.

So today is double defence against the dark arts with Hufflepuff, then potions with Ravenclaw them study hall, lunch then double care of magical creature with Slytherin not too bad I thought to myself.

As I was eating I see some of my friends join me for breakfast, "finally." I say to Jack, Melody, Alicia and Angelina.

"Why are you here so early?" Angelina asks.

"Well I woke up early then had a shower and thought I would grab my time table and eat, where are the others?" I ask them.

"They are coming just a bit slow this morning." Jack says.

"Doesn't surprise me with them lot, who am I with for care of magical creatures?" I ask them.

"Alicia and myself are doing it, I'm not sure about the others." Melody says.

"I think we all are." Jack said.

"Well that will be fun and we can see how Hagrid will do at the job." I say.

I drink some pumpkin juice reading the rest of my time table it was quite full but it wasn't too bad. Then in the corner of my eye I see two red heads and Lee all walking to the table and Fred comes and sits next to me.

"Morning." I say to them and they all looked half asleep.

"Morning." They murmured.

They started eating as McGonagall handed them their time tables we shared most of the same classes but some of them done extra.

We all finished eating and went to get our stuff for defence against the dark arts and walked to the classroom.

Walking down the corridor I see my little sister, I kind of forgot that her and my older brother came here oops. In all honesty I barely speak to them as they are in Slytherin and my parents have brainwashed them with all their pure blood values.

I smile at my little sister who is in the sane year group as Harry, Ron and Hermione and surprisingly she gives me a small smile back. We walk into the classroom and decide where to sit.

We sit on the second row in pairs normally it would be Angelina and Alicia, Melody and myself, Fred and George and them Hack and Lee but this year it had changed.

Jack and Melody sat together, then the normal pairing of Alicia and Angelina I thought I would end up with Lee but no Fred sat next to me which was a pleasant surprise.

"What's wrong with George?" I ask him.

"Ohh, nothing I just thought I would come and sit with you" he said with a small smile on his face.

"Since when do you sit with me, it's always you and George" I say to him.

"I just wanted to sit with you okay, Avery?"

"That's fine." I smile at him.

We heard the door open and see Professor Lupin walk in, he seemed like he was nice and wouldn't be full of himself like Lockheart was.

"When I call your name please answer" he said.

"Y/n Avery"

"Here" I replied.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now