4. Official

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I was usually I very confident person but Fred changed that, I need to think of a way to tell him I like him ahhh what am I going to do? I've been thinking about it for the last couple of weeks since my talk with the girls. And with quidditch games starting soon and with essays upon essays I was clearly stressed and it was showing badly.

I was finishing a potions essay and I could feel my eyes shutting but I wanted to get it finished tonight, I carried on when I heard a voice behind me.

"Love, what are you still doing up? It's late" Fred said to me.

"I need to get this essay done." I replied.

"It can wait till tomorrow you need sleep."

"I can't sleep though because I'm so worried about stuff not being done and other things" I blurt out, I wasn't meant to tell him that.

"Yeah I get that and what other stuff?" He asks me.

"It doesn't matter" I say stifling a yawn.

"It does come a sit down with me." I turn around and see the common room completely empty.

Fred lays down on the sofa and I lay on top of him and he hugs me.

"What's up then Avery?" He asks.

"Nothing much just stressed." I tell him it was much deeper than that though.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Freddie I am."

We lay in silence and I don't worry how tired I am until my eyes close themselves and I hear Fred whisper "I love you." As I fell into a deep sleep .

I was woken up to my photo being taken and then I heard George's voice "thank you,Colin" he said giggle to himself.

My eyes fluttered open and I could see most of Gryffindor crowded round me.

"Aww look she's finally woke up." George said.

"Shut up." I said turning my head back around, I had kind of forgotten that I had fallen asleep on Fred and I felt his arms tighten round me.

"Come on love birds" I hear Alicia say.

I lift my head and look at everyone, they are all giggling at us and I jump up, and hear Fred start to wake up.

"Look at this cute photo y/n" George said quickly waving a photo in my face I tried grabbing it but he lifted it up above his head and I couldn't reach it.

"Funny one" I say to George.

"It was pretty cute." Ginny says "are you sure you two aren't doing out and just hiding it from us?" She asked and the whole common room turned and looked at me.

I start laughing at her "no Ginny we aren't." I walk up the stairs to go and get changed into some different clothes, I can't believe I fell asleep on Fred he was quite comfy and warm.

"So are you to official then?" I hear Melody ask behind me as I sorted my hair out.

"No we aren't." I say.

"Why were you all cuddled up then?" Alicia asked.

"I was stressed out with essays and we was talking and was hugging and I fell asleep" I say to them all. "Look Fred is my best friend and yes I like him but it's unrequited love, it's one way."

"It's anything but that okay, everyone can see it" Angelina replies.

"Are you all really sure about that?" I ask them.

The reason we were so curious about you both cuddled up is because we thought one of you had finally asked the other one out." Melody says.


Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now