68. New beginings

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"Ginny, do you you want this box of clothes, don't fit me anymore." I tell her gesturing to a box of old clothes, now being sixteen weeks pregnant, my clothes didn't fit me anymore.

"Yeah sure." She says taking the box, "please come and visit its going to be boring without you here."

"Of course, I'll come and visit you all as much as I can, but I'm also going to be helping Fred and George out in the shop as much as I can." I tell her.

"But you have to come and see us at least twice a week." Ginny tells me.

"I'll try my best, but at least you get your room and all of your space back." I tell her.

"That's true - never bothered me much anyway." Ginny tells me.

"I think that's everything packed." I say gesturing to the boxes and trunks.

"You ready, sweetheart?" I hear Fred say, from behind me.

"Yes, darling." I say to him.

"Great, George and I have got all of our stuff ready." Fred tells me, then looking to his sister.

"Don't miss me too much, I know I'm your favourite brother and you have to spend your summer with Fleur, which you don't like-" Fred begins telling his sister.

"I'd much rather spend time with y/n, who I actually like and I'm not going to miss you but I'm going to miss y/n." Ginny tells her brother.

"Ha! I'm her favourite!" I tell Fred.

"Sure." Right we need to start taking the boxes and that down the stairs.

"Yeah, we do." I tell him picking up a box, with some of my belonging in, which is rather light.

"Babe no -" Fred tries to protest.

"It's really light, and I want to pull my own weight a little bit." I tell him.

"But -"

"Nope. I'm carrying it." I tell him walking out of the room and down the stairs carefully, placing it outside, it the sun.

"Please don't do manual labour again, whilst you are carrying the babies." Fred tells me.

"I'm fine thank you, and so are the babies." I tell him as everyone else helps bring the boxes and trunks, whilst I got bench by everyone else.

"Is that everything?" I ask them all.

"Yes, that is everything." George tells me.

"I can't wait to see everything!" I say excitedly.

"I'll be saving the best till last, the babies room." Fred tells me, we see the boxes being transported to the shop.

"Fred, be extra careful when apparating." Molly tells her son.

"Molly, I can apparate just fine, thank you." I tell her.

"Just be careful," she says, Fred holds on to my and we appear outside the shop, as we couldn't apparate in as the have spells all around the shop, and I see a ginger figure with a hat.

"Which one of you two is it meant to be?" Ginny asks them.



"Don't start them off." I say grabbing a box as Fred opens the door.

"What did I tell you and manual labour?" Fred asks.

"I'm fine, the babies are fine - stop worrying so much." I tell him looking around the shop. "It looks amazing in here boys, well done."

"Why - thank you." George tells me, as Fred begins to guide me up the stairs.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now