96. Happily Ever-After

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Seven years post war...

"Your father and I said no, so that is the end of the conversation I don't want to hear another word about it!" I shout at Thea and Lyra, who were asking about going to Molly's for the weekend even though she was looking after to the other kids. "You two are a handful, and act more immature than the others."

"But dad did say yes yesterday, you just didn't listen." Thea says, and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, but only if granny says it's okay - I don't think she'll appreciate you going round their if she is looking after what six other kids?" I say looking at the two eight year olds, and six almost seven year old standing in front of me.

"She did, dad said." Sirius says, as I stand looking down at all three of the kids. "And Teddy will be there."

"Fine, pack your bags and I'll take you down there in a bit." I say, as I sit down on the sofa feeling slightly dizzy.

The last seven years have been what one could describe as weird but it was enjoyable at the same time, many weddings have taken place and many nieces and nephews had been born. Bill and Fleur had Victoire, Dominique and Louis. George and Angelina had Roxanne and Percy. Harry and Ginny had baby James and more grandkids expected soon. Charlie was still Charlie and with his dragons.

Melody found love again, which made me happy, with someone closer to home which was Oliver Wood... it was very unexpected to say the least but he never told Alicia that he was her father and that he would never replace him, but they were expecting a child of their own now. Lee had also found love with a Hufflepuff we used to go to Hogwarts called Jackson, and they made an adorable couple and have adopted two boys ages seven and five.

After all the loss we suffered at the war, it was lovely to see everyone happy again. Lucinda and Draco had two children and were expecting their third, their children were named Katherine and Narcissa after their mothers and Aidan and Penelope had another baby called Lucy and birthdays were very big to say the least.

"Right, Thea - Lyra - Sirius be good for granny, if I hear otherwise there will be consequences." I say as I hug them goodbye. "I hope you are al well behaved, and I'll see you all tomorrow, thank you Molly and Arthur, are you sure you can handle the nine of them all together?"

"Yes, y/n don't worry - go and spend some alone time with Fred and enjoy it." Molly tells me, as she cuddles baby James.

"Don't worry, I will." I say, before hugging and kissing all of the children goodbye. "I love you all, and we will see you tomorrow."

I place one last kiss on all of the kids foreheads before walking out of the front door and apparatting back to the house, I walk into a really quiet house which was unusual for us to say the least and now I was just waiting for Fred to finish work which meant with a flick of my wand the house will be tidy so I sit down and relax.

"I'm home!" Fred shouts as I hear the front door open, putting down the book that I began reading.

"In here!" I say loudly, and stretching as I got up from the sofa.

"Kids gone to mums?" Fred asks, pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah, she's got all of her grandkids and Teddy  tonight, I was reluctant to not let them go and I thought we had a conversation about them not going." I say to Fred, standing on my tip toes to give him a quick peck on the lips.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now