27. Results

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We are now a couple of weeks into July and the twins have been very focused on their joke shop ideas I've helped them do the order forms. I wanted to help them succeed with their idea they have had for years including helping make the products.

Although I loved spending time with all the Weasleys sometimes I wish I got just five minutes with Fred.

Over the last couple of weeks Ginny and I had become really close I suppose sharing a bedroom with someone does that.

We were finishing the last touches to the ton-tongue toffee when Molly started to shout.

"Y/n, Fred George!" Molly shouted from down the stairs. I look between the two boys and wonder if the done something.

"Can you three come down please?" She asks shouting from the bottom of the stairs again.

"We haven't done anything!" Fred protested to me as I kept eyeing up the two boys.

We walk down the stairs and Molly looks really excited.

"We have your OWL results open them up." She says handing us all our own envelopes.

The tearing of the three letters silenced the room and we all pull the results out and I look at my piece of parchment.

Ordinary Wizarding Level results -

Pass Grades -
(O) - Outstanding
(E) - Exceeds Expectations
(A) - Acceptable

Failing Grades -

(P) - Poor
(D) - Dreadful
(T) - Troll

Y/n Avery - Gryffindor

Ancient Runes - O
Astronomy - E
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
Herbology - O
History of Magic - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

I look at my results in amazement all the hard work paid off ignoring the world around me I can't believe I got eight Os and one E, this is amazing. I look over to Molly looking between the boys results.

They pair were so unbothered but Molly looked so disappointed at the pair before moving over to me and looking at my results which bring a massive smile to her face.

"Eight Os and one E," she says smiling at me and brings me into a tight hug before pulling away, "I'm so proud of you." She says and the twins look at me.

"Eight Os?" Fred asks a little surprised. "What was the E in?"

"Astronomy, a little disappointed but getting eight other OWLs make it seem worth it." I tell them, "what did you two get?"

I knew the two of them didn't care because they were going to open up the joke shop but you could see it bothered Molly a lot.

"We both got two Os, one in defence against the dark arts and the other in charms. Then I got an E in Herbology." Fred tells me and I'm a little shocked but then again they aren't bothered.

"And I got an E in transfigurations." George says, looking a little proud.

I could see Molly was about to burst with anger clearly disappointed with the two as they walked around looking proud about not even getting Os in half their classes.

"Right I'm going to start on dinner." Molly says turning away from the three of us not hiding her disappointment.

Fred runs over and pulls me into a hug lifting off of the floor, "I'm so proud of you." He tells me, placing a kiss on my forehead which makes me smile.

"Thank you, Freddie, all the hard work paid off." I tell him smiling as he places me back in the floor.

- - - -

Just before dinner was finished Arthur and Percy arrive back from work at the Ministry, they place their bags at the door and take their seats at the table.

Molly calls down Ron and Ginny and we all sit round the table as the food is dished onto the plates.

"So I heard you all received your OWLs today," Percy said as he picked up some of the food with his fork, "what did you all get?" He turns looking at the twins and myself.

"Eight Os and an E," I say smiling lightly.

"Well done y/n." Arthur says as he tucks into his food.

"Well done y/n," Percy, Ginny and Ron say to me at the same time.

"Thank you." I tell them all as I tuck into my food.

"And what about you two?" Percy asks his brothers I am sat in the middle of.

"Two Os and an E each." They say at the say time with joy.

"They won't get you a job at the Ministry though boys," Molly said calmly, placing her cutlery down.

"We don't want to work at the Ministry," Fred protested.

"We want to own our own joke shop." George finished off.

"What is it with the two of you and this joke shop nonsense? You could have a perfectly good job working at the Ministry!" Molly says to the pair raising her voice ever so slightly.

The rest of us including Arthur sat in silence as she lectured the boys.

"That's not what we want!" The twins shouted in unison, as I carry on eating my dinner

"This joke shop business isn't going to work!" Molly said shouting back at the pair.

"It is!" The pair shout back.

The rest of dinner carries on with comments being made between the three as soon as dinner finishes I walk into the garden and the twins follow me.

"Well..." I start saying thinking of what to say after the show down between them and Molly.

"That's not the worst scolding we have had off of her." Fred begins saying.

"Yeah we have had a lot worse." George then replies.

We sit on the grass and I lay my head on Fred's lap and he starts playing with my hair as I look off into the distance.

"Well at least I can have you both in some classes as my form of entertainment." I tell the pair.

"We know you are going to miss us as we are in most of your classes," Fred said, "as we do make the lessons more fun for everyone." He says.

"Yeah you do and I don't hold out hope that Lee got any better than the pair of you, so I'll be stuck with the others." I start telling them. "It isn't to bad but it won't be as fun." I say.

We sit watching the sun set talking about the joke shop, what's going to happening next year with classes and what not and everything felt right in the world.

- - - -

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it is more of a filler as I haven't had much motivation to write today as I have been a bit busy sorting things out for Christmas.

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