19. Forgive and Forget

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I see Fred and go to turn back into the bathroom when he grabs your arm.

"Y/n we need to talk." Fred tells me.

"Not right now," I can feel the tears filling in my eyes, I try turning away from him but he pulls my into his chest and I start crying as he start playing with my hair.

"Shhh, it's okay, I'm sorry," he says.

"No fred I'm sorry, I was horrible to you, you just want time to be okay and I was rude." I tell him as I lift my head up to look at his face and give him a small smile.

"It's okay I wish you would just speak to someone even if it isn't me." He tells me we sit on the bed together.

"Does this mean we are friends again?" I ask him.

"Of course we are there is no one else I would want to be friends with," I laugh at him. "At least I can can make you laugh."

"As cute as that was it was a bit cringe." I tell him as I snuggle into him.

"Don't get to comfy we have dinner in a bit," he tells me, him and all the other Weasley boys are always hungry and are always eating.

"I'm not going, I'm not hungry." I say and he looks at me.

"You need to eat," he tells me giving me a serious look.

"Fine let me get changed" I said gesturing to the pyjamas I was currently in.

"Okay the Angel," he said, I loved that little nick name he gave me.

He pulled me into a soft kiss and pulled me on top of him and deepened the kiss when the door open.

"Fred I swear-" Melody says as everyone walks in the room and Fred throws me to were I was sitting a couple of moments ago.

"Well I guess they have kissed and made up," Lee began "literally." He says and everyone starts laughing.

"Are youse coming for dinner, I'm starving." George says.

"Yeah I need to quickly get changed first" I say as they all look at my pyjamas.

"I'm guessing Fred was going to help with that," Jack said and everyone but Fred and myself started laughing at him.

"I swear to god Jack I will hex you." I tell the boy.

I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom and get changed quickly and slip my flats on and walk out with my friends to the great hall for dinner.

- - - -

Weeks had passed since our argument and forgiving each other and things never seemed so good with the two of us and I think everyone was noticing how good everything was going.

I was finishing another essay and could here all the boys planning something, ever since Jack became a prefect it was easy for them to get away with a lot more, the girls were upstairs in our dorm talking about girl stuff that I wasn't really interested in.

"Y/n/n" I look behind me and see all four boys looking at me and Fred with puppy dog eyes.

"How can I help you all?" I asked them.

"Do you want to help us on our latest prank on Filch?" George asked me as I sat down my quill.

"Of course I would." We all had smirks on our faces.

"So what's the plan?" I ask the four boys sitting in front of me.

"Well you were thinking of taking back what ours." Fred said and I immediately knew what they were talking about.

"Seriously he will know it is the pair of you!" I tell them.

"Well not just our stuff most of the stuff that has ever been taken in there." Lee says.

"When?" I ask them.

"Tonight as I am on patrol." Jack says.

"Let's get to it then" I tell the group of boys.

- - - -

We were running down the corridor then Fred and I went a different way from Lee and George and Flinch was still trying to chase after us as Fred pulled me behind a portrait into a small gap and it was very tight.

We both started laughing lightly, "shh" Fred said as he placed a finger onto my lips.

A felt something poke onto my stomach, "Fred Weasley that better be your wand." I whisper yell.

"I can't help it." He winked and me, "it's because you are so gorgeous." He tells me.

"Stop it." I tell him trying not to notice the way he is staring at me.

"Not a chance." He says before grabbing my face and pulling my up for a passionate kiss which last quite a while.

We pull away from the kiss after minutes and we are staring at each other.

"I think we can go back to the common room now." He tells me, we sneak out looking both ways before walking to the common room holding hands.

"What took you both so long?" Lee asked looking between the both of us.

"Nothing." We both replied.

"Y/n your hair is messy and you both look flustered" George says as him and Lee look between each other.

"You two didn't-" before Lee could finish what he was saying I interrupted.

"No we didn't!" I say a little too loudly to grab the attention of some other students including Ron, Harry and Hermione.

"Didn't do what?" Ron asks the pair of us.

"None of your business Ron" Fred says and I smack his arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Stop being so rude to your brother, Ron don't worry about it." I tell him giving him a small smile and he returns it.

Ron goes back to talking to his friends they were nice, although I barely spoke to them.

"Why do you always defend my brothers?" Fred said as he threw himself on the sofa.

"Because you both are arses towards them, well Percy and Ron" I tell him.

"Why are you dragging me into it?" He says as Fred and I get the contraband from Filches office and I hand mine to George.

"Because you two both do it all the time, like the incident with the head boy badge." I say and the both start laughing and Lee them joins in, even though I wasn't there the reenactment they gave was amazing and I could see Percy acting like that.

"Okay, okay." George says "look at all this call stuff then" George gestures to the pile of stuff next to him.

"I suppose you will find use for it." I tell them all.

"Anyway I'm off to bed, goodnight boys, goodnight Freddie I love you" I kiss his forehead and walk up the stairs and go to bed.

- - - -

A/n: another chapter today I'm now on Christmas half term which is great and I have had two conditional offers for unis which is great.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter I wanted to add a bit of drama between Fred and y/n but not to bad to end the relationship.

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