55. Harry's Hearing

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I wake up in the morning with Melody still asleep in her bed, so I go to the bathroom have a shower and get ready for the day. I then walk back into the bedroom where Melody is still sleeping, a little unusual so I apparate down to the kitchen.

"Morning, everyone." I say smiling and sitting next to my dad at the table.

Molly, Beth, Anna, Uncle Remus and my dad were at the table, I'm guessing everyone else was at work this morning.

"Morning, y/n, sleep well?" Dad asks.

"Yeah actually, what's for breakfast Molly?" I ask.

"Well we've got toast, muffins, porridge, bacon and eggs. What would you like?" Molly replies.

"I'll have some bacon and eggs please." I say as she dishes it up for me.

"Thank you, Molly. So how is everyone this morning?" I ask.

"All good, how's my little girl?" My dad asks.

"I'm fine thank you dad and I'm not little anymore I'm eighteen this December and going into my last year at Hogwarts, still need to see who is Quidditch Captain this year." I say.

"Eighteen, I can remember the day you was born, tiny little thing." Uncle Remus says.

"You and those boys certainly don't act eighteen." Molly says. And I gasp at her fake reaction.

"So where is everyone?" I ask.

"Everyones at work and Arthur is taking Harry for his meeting." Anna says and my eyes open wide.

"Oh my Godric, I forgot that was today." I say.

"He will be fine, no need to worry." Dad tells me.

Just then Hermione and Ginny walk into the kitchen and sit down to eat breakfast.

"Morning girls." I say cheerfully.

"What's got you cheerful this morning y/n normally your all grumpy." Ginny says as she dishes her self some breakfast up.

"Thank you Ginny, I don't know, I woke up feeling positive this morning." I say.

"She's like me in that way, waking up grumpy." My dad says as he pulls me into a side hug.

"Of course I am, so according to most people, I look like my mum but have your personality?" I ask my dad.

"Through and through," Beth says, "Sirius is always grumpy when you wake him up not a morning person most of the time."

"Anyway, should I go and wake up the others?" I ask.

"Yeah, they should be getting up soon, we have more cleaning to do." Molly says.

I apparate up to the hallway on the floor with the boys room, mine and melody's and Arthur and Mollys room on. I knock on the boys door and no one replies so I knock again and no reply so I open the door, to see all the boys sleeping. I jump on Fred's bed which clearly makes him jump.

"Ah!" He screams and I fall on the floor laughing.

"Morning!" I say sitting up and smiling at him.

"Did you want to be anymore annoying?" George muffles.

"I got told to come and wake you all up. I didn't think Freddie here would get so scared." I say with a smile.

"I was sleeping." He says with a frown on his face.

"Why sleep, when we have a whole day of cleaning a head." I say sarcastically.

All three boys groan in unison, "more?" Jack says in a tired voice.

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