26. Back to the Burrow

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We arrived at the borrow and next month Bill and Charlie were going to join us for a couple of weeks to see all of us. Percy already had some job lined up at the Ministry although I didn't really pay attention.

"So Ginny, y/n we have sorted your room out whilst you were at Hogwarts." Molly says to the two of us.

"Didn't take to long though." Arthur tells us.

"Thank you so much." I say smiling at the pair of them and them Molly pulls me into an extremely tight hug.

"Mum let her breathe." Fred said laughing.

"It's fine, I've never had motherly hugs, my mother didn't like affection." I tell them and the room falls silent, I kind of forgot not everyone had cold parents like mine especially my mother.

"I'm just going to take my stuff up stairs." I say trying to carry my heavy trunk.

"Help her then Fred," I hear George whisper to Fred.

"I'm perfectly fine carrying it myself, thank you." I say as I start lifting it up the stairs.

"Fred go and help her" Molly tell her son.

He helps me with my trunk and carries it to the room I know share with Ginny. I open the door for him and see two beds with a nightstand between them with mismatched duvet covers on them.

Fred sets the trunk in the corner with my other one that I brought to the burrow with me as I lay on one of the beds.

"Thank you Freddie," I say as he smiles down at me.

"You are very welcome beautiful," he says leaning over me on the bed pulling me into a soft kiss which didn't last very long.

"Are they always like this?" Ginny asks George and we break apart. We both look over to the door where Ron, George and Ginny were all standing.

"Yes, unfortunately" he says in a disgusted tone.

Fred and I both roll are eyes at his comment.

"You are just jealous" I tell him.

"Am not!"

"You so are!" Fred replies.

"Whatever, I'm not dealing with this all summer." He tells the two of us.

"Me neither, I don't want to walk into the room with my brother on top of you." Ginny says and I feel my cheeks blush lightly.

"It's not going to be like that." I say convincingly.

"Good." All three of them reply at the same time.

"Anyway George and I need to get working on our thing." Fred says as he jumps up walking towards the door.

"What thing?" Ron asks his older brothers.

"Don't worry little bro." George says as the pair walk away.

"Y/n, do you know what's going on?" Ron asks me and I just shrug my shoulders at him, knowing what was actually happening.

"Okay, I'll see you two in a bit." Ron responded as he walked off dragging his trunk along with him.

Ginny moved into the room with her trunk and shut the door behind her and sat down on the other bed.

"At least I have another girl now, having six older brothers is sometimes fun but also annoying." She says and we share a small laugh.

"When you get your first boyfriend Godrick knows what they'll be like." I say giggling, trying to imagine what the boys would be like.

Ginny puts on her best Charlie voice and starts talking, "if you hurt Ginny, I will drag you to Romania and feed you to my dragons" and starts laughing.

"Bill would only have to give him a look and he will run away terrified." I say and she agrees with me, although Bill is fun he did look serious and scary especially if you didn't know him.

"I'm Percy, Ginerva's older brother how lovely it is to meet you" she says putting on a very good Percy voice, as she holds out her hand, and we both laugh at her impression.

We carry on talking and laughing until a knock on the door interrupts us.

"Come in" we both say in unison.

The twins walk in as Ginny and myself finishing off laughing and the pair look between us.

"Having fun without us y/n?" George asks.

"She can't be having fun without us" Fred replies.

"Yes she can, clearly I'm more funny than the pair of you." She says to them and their faces drop and I start laughing even more.

"Let's not argue now you are all equally funny." I say trying to stop the three bickering.

"No we aren't!" All three of them shout.

"I'm not getting involved," I say jumping off of my bed and walking into the hallway and walking down the stairs.

"Y/n dear, all settled in?" Molly asks me as she starts preparing dinner.

"Yes thank you. Do you need any help?" I ask her walking over to the kitchen.

"I'm okay thank you dear, where are the boys and Ginny?" She asks me as she cut up some vegetables.

"Percy and Ron are in their rooms and George, Ginny and Fred where arguing who is funnier them or her so I left the room." I say as Molly laughs lightly.

"I haven't had the chance to ask you, how did the OWLs go? And I'm asking you because those two never give me a straight answer." Molly says.

"Quite stressful but I pulled through hopefully all Os and Es." I tell her.

"Well I am very proud of you." Molly tells me which warms my heart as my mother only told me a handful of times in my life.

"Thank you Molly that means a lot, and are you sure you don't need any help with dinner?" I ask her as she continues chopping vegetables up.

"No dear you are fine." She says softly as she throws the vegetables into a large pan.

We carry on talking until she was finished with dinner as Arthur was fiddling with some muggle things, I have spoke to Molly more in half an out than I have to my mother in five years. Molly lays the table with magic with eight sets of cutlery.

I grab everyone for dinner and sit next to Fred whilst we eat dinner, the table has light conversation. We all finish eating dinner and I say to Molly I'll do the washing up but she refuses to let me.

With the sun still shining outside, I go outside and sit in the grass breathing in the fresh air. I'm away with my own thoughts when I feel so hands wrap around me and I jump slightly at the touch.

I see Fred sit next to me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Fred?" I ask him.

"Yes, love?" He turns his head to look at me.

"What do you want in your future?" I say looking into his deep brown eyes which are glistening from the reflection from the sun.

"Well George and I will have the joke shop, get married after a few years of running the shop, have a few kids and live my life with you." He says smiling down at me.

"I want to spend my life with you Fred, every single minute." I tell him confidently.

He's eyes keep shifting from looking at my eyes to my lips as I speak.

"You know Fred that I love you" I tell him.

He pulls me into a short sweet kiss and finishes it off with "I love you too, y/n."

- - - -

A/n: hope you enjoy this chapter as we explore more into the bond we will make with Ginny now we share a room together. It's a bit sparse on the Fred and reader moments in this but I need to develop the relationships with other characters.

Hope you are all having a good day! :)

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