47. Seventeen

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Today is my seventeenth birthday... I'm snuggled up in my bed half asleep when I hear someone whisper... "3...2...1..."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR Y/N! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" They all shout, and I sit up to see to see Fred, George, Melody, Jack, Alicia, Lee, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Harry and even Angelina. They all had massive smiles on their faces.

"Thanks guys..." I rubbing my eyes. "Amazing singing as well."

They all laugh lightly.

"Who's idea was this?" I ask with a small yawn.

They all look at Fred, "yes it was my idea, wanted you to you to wake up on a right note." He tells me.

"It was very lovely thank you, so what's next, breakfast?" I ask.

"Not yet, presents first." Fred says and I look in everyone's arms and they are carrying presents. "Your three first," Fred says gesturing to Harry, Ron and Hermione and they walk over to the bed.

Ron hands me a wrapped present and I open it to reveal a photo of all the Weasleys and myself, it makes me tear up a bit.

"Thanks Ron, it's lovely." I say looking at it once more.

Hermione then hands me a heavy present which I assume is a book and I was correct but it was muggle fairytales. "Thank you, Hermione, I can't wait to start reading them." I say placing it down.

Harry then hands me two and I give him a look, "ones from your dad." He says.

I open one of them to reveal a small box, I open it to find a necklace with the initial of the beginning of my name on it.

"That's from me." Harry says.

"Thank you." I say and I open the next one, to find a book but not any book. On the front of it there was a photo of me, with my parents reading, 'Y/n Elizabeth Lily Black.' I could feel my eyes welling up.

I open the book to reveal more pages with a little bit of text wrote underneath them. The first one being, a photo of newborn me being held by my mum and my dad having his arm around my mum with them both looking down at me. The text read, 'Y/n Elizabeth Lily Black, born 20th of December 1977 at 3:46 am.' I can feel tears rolling down my eyes and shut the book.

Fred comes rushing over to pulls me into a comforting hug. "Knew that one would make you cry." He says.

"Y-you knew about it?" I ask and he nods. He grabs the book and flips to the middle and I see a photo of all of my friends and I at the end of our first year.

"Thank you," I say to Fred and Harry.

The trio then disappear out of the room and everyone else gives me my presents. From Ginny I got my favourite sweets from Honeydukes. Alicia got me some perfume, Melody and Jack brought me a mix of things including a new dress, sweets, Firewhisky although I don't have a clue how they got it. George and Lee also brought me stuff together it was mainly stuff from Zonkos joke shop and they even brought me a book which I wasn't expecting from them. Angelina gave me a collection of books and apologised to me.

"Right we will see you two later." Melody said and they all walk out of the room.

Fred sits on my bed with me placing a small kiss on my forehead before handing me a pile of presents.

"Happy birthday beautiful." He tells me with a big smile. "This one is to open last." He says pulling up a small present.

"Okay." I say to him starting to open my presents, he got me a bottle of the perfume that he liked on me, some make up that the girls helped him pick out, a photo of the two of us at the Quidditch World Cup and finally, the tiny present. I open it to see a small box which I also open to see a ring.

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