60. Dumbledore's Army

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"So how is it that you two know where we are going?" I ask Fred and George and they look at each other both with small smirks covered on their faces.

"Well lets just say we know the castle well." George says smirking at his twin.

"But it wasn't on the map, so how do you two know where it is?" I ask them and the others looked a little slightly more confused.

"What map?" Melody asks; the boys and I share a look as to whether we should tell them or not.

"We used to have a map of the school." Fred begins.

"With all the secret passage ways in and out of the school." George then replied.

"You could see everyone on the map." I say to our group of friends.

"What everyone?" Angelina asks.

"Yes." Fred, George, Lee and I reply.

"Every minute." Fred begins.

"Of everyday." George then finishes.

"That's so cool... Hang on that's why you lot got away with everything isn't it?" Alicia asks and we smirk between the four of us. "How did you even get it?"

"Nicked it from Filches office of course." George says.

"First year." Fred finishes off for his twin.

"Do you two have to constantly do that weird twin thing?" Jack asks them.

"What?" Fred says grinning.

"Where we -" George begins.

"Finish each others sentences." Fred says.

"Yes, they do, and I know it is rather annoying and are we there yet?" I ask the twins and they nod to where a door appears and I open it and it reveals other members of this new little group.

The nine of us walk into the room where the walls were lined with bookcases, silk cushions on the floor opposed to chairs and a set of shelves at the opposite end of the room which had numerous objects on them.

"So this is why they call it the room of requirement?" Melody asks.

"Yeah." Jack replies to his girlfriends as we shut the door behind us.

"Well." Harry began saying, rather nervously. "This is the place we've found for practice sessions, and you've all clearly found it okay."

"It's fantastic." Cho says, looking around the room in amassment.

"It's bizarre, we once hid from Filch in here, remember George?" Fred says, turning to his twin.

"Yeah, but I swear it was just a broom cupboard then?" George says and I just laugh at the pair.

"What are you laughing at?" Fred asks me and I look up to him.

"Just the two of you, always up to no good, eh?" I say and he laughs lightly at my comment.

"Yeah, they always are." Angelina says.

"You would know." I say to her, throwing her a little wink and she turns her head in embarrassment.

Before I could say anything to further embarrass Angelina, Harry begins to talk.

"Well, I've been thinking about the sort of stuff we ought to do first and - er - what Hermione." Harry says, looking around to the group.

"I think we ought to elect a leader." Hermione tells him.

"Harry's leader." Cho tells Hermione.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now