62. Our First Christmas as a Family

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"Merry Christmas, beautiful." Fred whispers in my ear, as we are snuggled up in bed together.

"Merry Christmas, Handsome." I reply to Fred, turning around and placing a kiss on his lips.

As I snuggle in his arms he flips me onto my back and starts placing kisses all over my face and I start giggling.

"Fred stop it." I say as he begins to tickle me making me sequel.

"Oh, you two are disgusting." George says, breaking us apart.

The new deal of us sharing a room is that George also had to sleep in here with us poor guy.

"Sorry George." I quickly say to him, "anyway Merry Christmas." I say to him with a smile on my face.

"Merry Christmas, George," Fred says, from next to me.

"Merry Christmas, you two, I suppose we should get up now shouldn't we?" George says.

"Yeah, we should, we have quite a few presents to open." I say gesturing to the piles at the end of the bed, I ended up putting all of our presents our friends got us there as well.

"Looks like you got quite a few, y/n." Fred says.

"Dad said he was compensating for the Christmases that we missed." I tell them both as all three of us start to open our presents.

We sit opening the presents together obviously getting the annual Weasley jumper from Molly which I am going to put on when we get dressed. Dad got me another mix of things he knows I like which was cute, Fred got me a book I was talking about ages ago along with some framed photos of us and some with our friends in, George got me loads of sweets from Honeydukes so I would stop eating his all of the time, which I don't do. Melody and Jack didn't get me anything because of the Weird Sisters tickets but I was fine with that. The rest of our friends got us all things that they know we like.

"Oh, y/n, I have another present to give you later" Fred tells me before walking out of the room and I turn to George.

"Do you have any idea what is going on? He keeps acting weird." I say and he just shrugs he's shoulders, looking as confused as me.

"I actually have no clue, this is one of the things I don't actually know what my twin is up to, and I don't know whether that is a good or bad thing." George says.

"Right... anyway I'm going to get breakfast, I guess I'll see you in a bit." Gesturing to the fact that he was still in his pyjamas.

I walk down the silent hallways and stairs until I reach the top of the stairs at the kitchen and hear a few people talking.

"Of course you can, I see how happy you make her." I hear my dad say.

"Thanks Sirius, so you will all help with the plan?" I hear Fred ask.

"Of course, we will." I hear Bill say.

"It will make her very happy Fred, she loves you so much." I hear Molly say, I wonder what they are talking about, when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Merry Christmas, y/n." I hear Ginny and Hermione say from behind me.

"Merry Christmas, you two, I hope you both liked you presents and mine where lovely, I really love the Quidditch through the Ages book, Hermione." I say with a small smile.

"Why are you just standing at the top of the stairs?" Hermione asks.

"I was just day dreaming." I say quickly trying to not be suspicious.

"Morning, girls and Merry Christmas." I hear dad say cheerfully behind me.

"Merry Christmas." The three of us say in unison as we walk down the stairs into the kitchen and I go and give my dad a hug and he places a kiss on the top of my head.

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