86. The Ministry break-in

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Being back at the Burrow was great, even with everything going on we were all helping each other keep our spirits up. The babies were talking more as we got through August, they began saying more names and some other odd words that they picked up from the rest of us it was adorable. Molly and Arthur also came to the decision of sending Ginny back to Hogwarts, which I could tell they didn't want to do; especially after it got announced that Snape would become Head Master, what about McGonagall? Anyway, we were half way through August and things were going as smoothly as they could for the middle of a war.

"I still cannot believe these two are already nine months old." I say to Molly.

"I know, neither can I, time goes so fast and it seems to go faster when they are this small." Molly replies as we sit talking, watching Thea and Lyra play together on the floor in front of us.

"Yeah, it seems like yesterday they were tiny little babies." I reply. "Fred and I have already been married four months already as well."

"Wow, it was a very beautiful day." Molly says, as we both sip some tea and Ginny walks into the living room.

"Hey, Gin." I say and she sits down next to me.

I could tell she was very worried about what Harry was doing, it was clear as day that the two of them love each other but I can understand why he called it off with her especially since what he was doing now.

"Hey, y/n." Ginny says with a small smile and she looks down at the babies who were trying to crawl around. "Look at the two of them try to crawl around, its really adorable, I'm really going to miss them when I'm back at Hogwarts."

"Good thing you still have a few weeks left until you go back, you can spend as much time with them as you want." Molly tells her.

"Also, your brothers have gone off and brought all your school supplies for this year, well they said they were going to as they went to the shop to collect products." Molly says.

"So that's where they went, and I'm guessing Charlie went with them as well?" Ginny asks, as I sit and finish my tea.

"Yes, he did." Molly says. "We need to sort those bedrooms out sooner rather than later."

So with Fred, George, Thea, Lyra and myself moving back in we couldn't really share Fred and George's room. So George is getting Bill's old room and the girls are going to have Percy's old room, which was basically just the bed and a few odd belongings.

"Yeah, maybe that's what we can do to occupy ourselves with when Ginny goes back to Hogwarts and Charlie goes back to Romania." I say to Molly.

"Yes, I suppose we can do it then." Molly replies.

After another of sitting, talking and watching the girls play on the floor; the boys returned from the shop with lots of bags which also had extendable charms on them.

"Dada!" Thea shouts as the three young men step into the room.

"Wish I got greeted like that." I say, as Lyra tries crawling over to me.

"Mama!" Lyra says, as she reaches my feet.

"Do you love your mummy?" I ask Lyra and she babbles to me. "Well that's good because I love you and your sister too."

"You and Fred are so good with the girls." Molly says. "When are you thinking about having anymore?"

"Mum!" Fred says.

"Not anytime soon, two is enough." I reply with a small laugh.

"You should be pestering Bill and Fleur." Fred tells Molly and I nod in agreement as Lyra stands at my feet as a sign to pick her up.

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