82. The Death of a Professor

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"YOUR NOT GOING!" Fred shouted at me.

"YES I AM!" I shout back. "I can loose anymore family!"

"And what am I going to do if I loose you?" He asks, we were currently having an argument about what order members are going to Hogwarts. "What are our daughters going to do?"

"They will be fine, and nothing is going to happen to me Fred, I know how to fight." I say, walking back into the room. "I'm coming with you all."

"No!" Several order members say.

"I'm going, end of conversation." I say, folding my arms.

"You are a mother, you need to look after your daughters!" Molly tells me.

"They have a father, and the rest of their family. And I'll be fine, Harry is my family so I'm going!" I say.

"Y/n, stay here, we've got this." Uncle Remus tells me, knowing that the last few weeks have been a little difficult for me as it had recently been a whole year since my dad died. "Your dad would go ballistic if he knew that I let you in harms way."

"He isn't here to make those choices for me, and I'm nineteen years old, I can make these choices for myself." I say frustrated, then the baby monitor goes off, and I leave the room to go and comfort the girls, with Fred following behind me.

"Please don't go." Fred says, as I comfort Thea as she was the one who woke up from the nap.

"Fred, I lost my dad last year and I would do anything to get him back and if I could of saved him I would of but I can't, but I can with Harry." I say sadly.

"Bill, Remus, Tonks and others are going, no one is going to let Harry get hurt." Fred tells me, as I cuddle Thea. "I can't let you go, y/n."

"But -" I begin to try and protest.

"No buts, just think of Thea and Lyra." Fred tells me softly but firmly, as Thea begins to go back to sleep. "I can't risk losing you again."

"Fine, I'm not going to keep arguing with you." I say, before laying Thea back down in her cot, with Fred and I leaving the room.

With most of the order getting ready to leave, Molly, Fred, George and myself stay at the burrow with the rest of them off to Hogwarts, except for a few who were at work at the Ministry, like Arthur.

I sit in Fred and George's old room, watching the girls sleep, how peaceful they are and how unaware of everything around them they are and what's beginning to happen around them. Fred walks into the room and sits next to me, and I lean my head on Fred shoulder.

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you, forever and always." He replies as we watch the girls nap, before snuggling up together, and I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up and the girls are no longer in there cots and Fred isn't next to me, I walk into the hallway and down the stairs to see the others sitting and talking as Fred and George feed the twins, which is the cutest sight to see and Molly spots me.

"I swear to Merlin you can sleep through anything sometimes." Molly says, as the babies babble along in the background.

"Yeah, I felt really tired." I say, sitting at the table with the others as the babies continue eating and babbling away. "What are you two taking about now?"

They babble back, and I giggle.

"I think they told you to stay out of it." Fred says.

"Yeah, your telling me, clearly favour daddy and uncle Georgie." I say sarcastically.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now