90. A Week Filled With Nightmares

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"Come on you, we have a uterus to scan." Fred says, as I lay sleepily in bed.

"Hmm - I'm okay, the bed is too comfy." I tell Fred, turning over.

"You can sleep after, but the Midwitch is going to be here in twenty-five minutes and you need to be up and ready." Fred says, placing a kiss on my cheek. "And Thea and Lyra were specifically asking for mummy cuddles which I was offended by, but I told them that I would get mummy for them."

"Fine, I'm getting up." I tell him, groaning as I get out of bed.

"You look like you could use a Fred cuddle." Fred tells me, and I walk into his arms with him wrapping his arms around me.

"I still feel sick." I tell him, slightly gagging before running to the bathroom.

I hear footsteps behind me, as my head hovers above the toilet. I then feel patting and rubbing on my back as I carry on being sick.

"That was a lot." Fred tells me and I nod in agreement taking breaths between each time I was being sick. "Maybe we should talk to the midwitch about this, because between being sick and being asleep for a good twelve hours of the day this isn't right."

"I know, it isn't but I have daughters to cuddle and a uterus to check." I tell him, getting up from the floor even though I still feel sick.

"You sure you're okay to be getting up and walking around?" Fred asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine I need to have some water and a glass of pumpkin juice." I reply as he helps me into the hallway and down the stairs.

"You sure?" Fred asks as we walk into the kitchen and see the girls with their grandparents and uncle Charlie.

"Yes I just need some water." I tell him firmly as I sit down and Lyra starts calling for me.

"Give mummy a minute." Molly tells Lyra, as I rest my head in my hands.

"Right we are going to lay you down on the sofa." Fred tells me.

"I'm fine." I tell him, but he picks me up from the chair. "Freddie, put me down."

"No can do." He says as I look up to him with a smirk and for one minute it felt like we was back in our fifth year with no cares in the world.

"Fred, I'm serious." I tell him as he lays me down on the sofa.

"So am I, now you aren't getting up until the midwitch comes round okay?" Fred tells me, giving me a stern look.

"Yes." I say with a nod and laying back, as he walks out of the room and then brings in two cups one with water and the other with pumpkin juice. "Thank you for looking after me."

"It's my job to look after you, I took vows now rest." He tells me, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Cheesy but cute." I say with a small smile as I drink some water.

"I know, right I'm going to check on Thea and Lyra." Fred tells me, placing another kiss on my forehead before walking into the kitchen.

Not long after Fred comes back into the living room to check on me and the door knocks and Fred goes to answer it, and the familiar face of Eloise is graced through the door.

"Hello dear, lovely to see you again, tea?" Molly asks her.

"Yes please, wow these two have got so big their what about one and two - three months now?" Eloise asks, as the babies babble a few words around some that aren't that clear to me.

"Yeah, they are - noisy and very cheeky too." Fred replies, as I can hear Lyra and Thea calling for me. "And mummy's girls, and I suppose you will be wanting to see y/n, as she is the pregnant one."

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now