54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two

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"So?" Melody asks, as I peer at the test.

"Negative..." I say sighing with relief.

"So it's just the stress then?" Melody asks.

"Yeah it's got to be. I'm glad I'm not... you know... I just think Fred and I aren't ready for a baby yet. Yes we have some money but we are still at Hogwarts and both want careers." I say.

"It's understandable, we are still young and in the middle of a war," Melody tells me comfortingly.

"Yeah, anyway we should go back to our room so no one gets suspicious." I say grabbing the test and throwing it in the bin.

We walk into our room and see the boys sitting there, looking slightly confused.

"Where were you two?" Fred asks.

"In the bathroom." We reply in sync.

"What were you doing?" George asks curiously.

"None of your business." I say quickly, hoping to shut them up.

"You two are up to something... aren't you?" Jack asks.

"No we aren't, don't be ridiculous." Melody tells the three of them.

"Yeah you are, you both seem a like you've been up to something." George replies and the three get up from the beds they were sitting on.

"I don't think you are going to find anything in there." I say, whilst sending a panicked look to Melody.

"I think we will." Jack says as they start searching through things.

Melody and I looked at each other hoping one of them won't go through the bin and find the test. Yes the test was negative but I didn't want them to find it, then Fred looks in the bin, grabbing a piece of toilet paper and picking the test up, at least he had good hygiene.

"What's this?" He asks.

"A pregnancy test." Melody quickly replies.

"Don't tell me one of you two are pregnant." George says laughing, whilst Fred and Jack without looking at the test looked panicked.

"No ones pregnant." I quickly say; trying to shut them down.

"Who took the test then?" Jack asks looking between Melody and myself.

"I did..." I confess.

"What?" Fred asks, looking confused.

"I missed my period a few weeks ago, but it's fine, it's just from stress." I say.

"Thank Godric, imagine mums reaction if y/n was pregnant, you've not even left Hogwarts yet." George says still laughing.

"Good thing I'm not, if this leaves this room, I will kill whoever told anyone, okay?" I ask and they all nod their heads with Fred still looking confused.

"There's no point hanging around in here all evening let's go." Melody says and we all go to walk out, when Fred lightly grabs my arm.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Why didn't you tell me you thought you could be pregnant?" He asks me, he looks a little sad.

"I didn't want to worry you, plus there was other possibilities such as stress." I say pulling him into a hug.

"I know but I'm your boyfriend, I thought we told each other these things." He says.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now