80. The Honeymoon

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A/n: So before this chapter starts thank you all 30k reads :)

As I woke up to a slightly sore head, I feel Fred wrap his arms tightly around me; pulling me closer to him.

"Good morning, Mrs Weasley." Fred whispers in my ear, with his rough morning voice, sending shivers down my spine.

"Good morning, my lovely husband." I say, turning around and we smile at each other. "We should get up soon to get ready for our week away."

"We should, I can't wait to spend loads of time with you, and we can take photos of the adventures we go on." Fred says, before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Me too, but first I need to sort this dreadful hangover out." I say, hiding my head in his chest.

"Don't worry me too." Fred says. "And a good shower."

"Agreed." I say, getting out of the bed. And rubbing my eyes.

"Where you going like that?" Fred gestures to my naked body.

"To the shower, isn't that obvious?" I ask him, sending him a wink as an invitation, walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on.

As I step into the warm water, I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist and start kissing my neck, let's just say were in the shower for quite a while.

"Have you got everything?" Fred asks me, as I finish packing my trunk.

"Yes, just finished packing my trunk. It's going to be weird this week without the babies." I say, as he pulls me into a hug.

"I know, but they are safe with mum and dad and I'm sure Bill, Fleur, George and Charlie will make sure they are okay." Fred says, as we pull away from the hug.

We walk through the flat and out of the shop, locking the doors behind us, before Fred apparatus us to the place we were staying, which was a surprise for me. We land in the location, outside a small cottage in a small village. The garden is filled with all types of flowers, a small pond and a tree, which shadows the pong.

"It's beautiful, Freddie. Thank you!" I say, dropping my trunk and pulling him into a hug.

"You are most welcome, Mrs Weasley." Fred says, dropping his own trunk and picking me up bridal style.

He unlocks the door with the keys from his pocket, then lightly kicking the door open and walking in.

"You are such a romantic person." I say, pulling him into a quick kiss, before grabbing my wand out of my pocket and bring the trunks in behind us and then shutting the door.

"Oh I know." He says, with a big smile as he looks down at me, before leading us to what I can guess what was the bedroom.

"True romantic, aren't you?" I ask as he sits me down on the bed.

"You know I am, anyway, we have dinner reservations at a nice restaurant tonight." He says, placing a kiss on my forehead. "And I was thinking, tomorrow we could go and explore this little village and maybe one around it but first, we should chill out all day because I'm not fully recovered from last night."

"Me too." I say, snuggling into the bed, resting my head on his chest. "I consumed way too much alcohol, who let me do that?"

"Everyone just kept bringing us drinks over, that's what it was." Fred tells me, as he tightly wraps his arms around me.

"I think I need a nap." I tell Fred.

"Have a nap then." He replies, tickling my back softly.

"I think I will have one." I say closing my eyes and quickly falling asleep.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now