50. Spring

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It's now the middle of March school was going as well as school can go, although without quidditch the evenings and weekends were now filled with watching Fred and George make joke shop products or writing essays for my classes. I've been writing to my dad more than ever and we are both hoping we can see each other over the summer.

Right now I'm sitting in the study group with Angelina, Melody, Alicia, Jack and Katie from the year below she was close friends with Alicia and was a head in her classes and she doesn't get along much with the girl in the year below.

"So Katie, any romance in your life?" Melody asks her.

"Melody you can't just ask people questions like that." I say peering up from the Care of Magical Creatures essay.

"No don't worry it's fine... someone has caught my eye." She says quickly glancing at Alicia, "but they aren't interested."

I look back down at my paper and start writing again, they would make a cute couple considering Alicia isn't showing much interest with a relationship with Lee, well neither is he I think he has his eye on a Hufflepuff named Daisy, she is lovely though.

"You'll never know unless you ask him." Melody tells her.

"See the thing is I like girls as well." She says.

"Really? I dig that, have you dated any girls yet?" Alicia asks.

"Not dated, gone on dates with one or two but nothing has ever stuck." Katie tells her.

"Maybe you should ask this person." I suggest.

"I would but I need to work up the courage." Katie replies back, leaning her chin on her hands with a glum expression on her face.

"We can help," Melody says, gesturing to me and herself.

"I don't know, anyway we should get back to the common room it's getting late." She says looking at the clock.

"Yeah, we should." Angelina says as we all start packing our things away.

We all get up walking out of the library walking towards the common room. With light chatter going on between us, walking into the common room I see Fred, George and Lee discussing something quietly in the corner and I make my way over to them.

"What are you three talking about?" I ask standing next to them.

"The next product we are starting to develop, come and look." Fred says patting his leg for me to sit on.

"So?" I ask.

"Extendable ears, they might take a while but I think once they are perfected we will need to try them out." George says.

"So what are Extendable Ears?" I ask them both.

"They can be used to listen in on conversations." George starts saying.

"We would keep one and place the other in a different place within distance." Fred interrupts.

"So we could listen to a conversation by placing it next to a gap under the door and hear the conversation." George finishes.

"Sounds cool." I say placing a kiss on Fred's head.

"Yeah it is, how was the library get much done?" Fred asks as George puts away the papers for the joke shop ideas.

"Yes actually, got my essay done for potions and almost finished my one for care of magical creatures." I say to him, yawning at the end, all this work is so exhausting.

"You need to slow down with all of this work, you are tired most of the time." He says.

"Look how sweet he is." Lee says mockingly.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now