76. The Twins First Christmas

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It was now Christmas Eve, and to say that the store was busy was an understatement. We had Fred, George, Verity, Lee and myself all working as Molly looked after Thea and Lyra. As the shop closed, we were all extremely exhausted as Fred and I woke up early to finish wrapping everyone's presents, that we already sent to the Burrow.

"Right, I'm having a shower before we head to the Burrow, because I don't think any of us will find the time." I tell Fred and George as I begin to head up the stairs.

I turn the shower on, before going through my wardrobe to find some comfier clothes, before walking back into the bathroom and getting in the shower, when there's a knock at the door.

"Yeah?" I answer, before poking my head out of the shower curtain as the door opens and I see Fred. "Everything good?"

"Everything is perfect." He begins to tell me, with a slight smirk appearing on his face. "I was wondering if I could join you?"

"Of course you can." I reply.

All I can say is that we spent a bit too much time in the shower, because when we went to leave for the Burrow George had already left and when we arrive at the Burrow, everyone stares at us, as Ginny and Molly cradle the babies.

"What took you two so long?" Bill asks, with a smile spread across his face, looking between Fred and I. I then see George smirking in the corner.

"Yeah, what did take you so long?" George asks, adding fuel to the fire and I knew we was going to get some lecture off of Molly.

"Well - er - " I began saying, before Fred took over.

"Y/n here needed a little nap, working all day and being up since early hours of this morning had made her very exhausted." Fred says, good cover babe.

"Yeah, sure whatever you say." Bill says, with a smirk on his face, and I go and take Thea from Ginny.

"Mummy has missed you - yes she has." I say kissing her forehead a couple of times and I see Fred do the same with Lyra as Thea makes some noises at me. "So what's going on with the sleeping arrangements?"

"So Harry and Ron are sharing a room, Ginny and Fleur, Fred, George, you and the babies oh and Bill as Remus is staying in Bills room." Molly says.

"Mum - we aren't going to have enough room, that's six of us and our room isn't the biggest." Fred tells Molly as he cradles Lyra.

"And Lyra and Thea aren't in the best routine and will probably wake them both up as well." I say rocking Thea in my arms, knowing that they wake up every four hours for bottles.

"Yeah, I don't fancy getting woken up." George says.

"Don't you already get woken up?" Ron asks, slightly confused.

"Godric no." George says laughing lightly.

"Can't we just swap with Harry and Ron?" Fred asks his mum.

"I suppose so yeah." Molly replies and I look at the clock seeing it's time to put the babies to bed.

"I suppose it's time to get you two to be fed." I say as Molly asks for Ron and Harry to go and help her with the veg.

"Here's the bottle for Thea." Fred says passing one to me then beginning to feed Lyra.

"Do you need any help?" Ginny asks me.

"We're okay, thank you but you can have cuddles after." I tell her.

"Yay, they are too cute, see looking at you I can understand why they are cute but looking at Fred I can't understand." Ginny says, and I hear Fred gasp from next to me.

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