13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms

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I really couldn't sleep, with everything on my mind I just wanted Fred, he would comfort and cuddle me and we would fall asleep but instead I'm just staring out into the midnight sky.

I eventually fall asleep I am then woken up in the morning to go and have breakfast with me family and an uncomfortable silence was hanging over us as we ate, I hate living in this house and my parents announced that this year we was also hosting the Christmas Eve Ball and I couldn't be less excited.

Once we had finished breakfast my mother stopped Lucinda and I, "So y/n, Lucinda as we are hosting the Christmas Eve Ball, it seems fitting that we go and get new ball gowns." She says.

"So we shall be going down to the boutique in the town, so make yourself's look presentable and be down here for 10:30." She says to us both, and we go to our separate rooms I get changed into a day dress with long sleeves with tights and flats.

I pin my pair into an elegant hair style and grab my coat and walk down the hall and stairs which were dimly lit to be greeted by my mother. Were polar opposites so we never had a general conversation so we just stood in an awkward silence until Lucinda came walking down the stairs.

"Ready?" She asked the both of us.

"Yes," we replied at the same time and my mother opened the front door. I stepped onto the stone slabs and walked down a small staircase which lead to gravel and we walked to the nearby town.

"So how is everything for your OWLs going?" My mother asked looking at me.

"It's going well, thank you, lots of essays but that is to be expected as I want to achieve Os and Es." I tell her as we continued walking.

"I heard from Severus that you are doing extremely well in his class." My mother said, I knew they was close but why am I a conversation topic.

"Yes I hope to get an O in potions so I can take it for one of my NEWT classes." I tell her, since when was she so interested in me.

We carry on the small talk until we reached the boutique, I open the door and hold it open for my mother and sister. A voice from behind called out.

"Ahh, Katherine Avery how lovely to see you again and with y/n and Lucinda? How can I help you today?" The women asks my mother as I close the door.

"We have the Christmas Eve Ball coming up, and we are hosting this year, do you have any new extravagant ball gowns in stock?" She replies.

"Yes we do actually, new stock come in the other week." The women replies.

She takes us through to the changing rooms and hands us different dresses to get changed into, she handing me a black, long sleeve dress with lace on the sleeves. The dress was also had a slit down the skirt of the dress.

I walk out and see my mother and sister in their gowns, which match the black and the lace on mine.

We all agreed these dresses would look good for the Christmas Eve ball and buy matching shoes with them and we walk back to the manor, I take my bag up to my room and hang the dress in my wardrobe.

I start sorting my trunk out for Hogwarts making sure I had enough of everything before we go back for the new term.

I sat tidying up my room and reading before being called for dinner. There was light conversation over dinner and talk about preparations for the Christmas Eve ball starting tomorrow morning, as this was the biggest event for the Pure Blood socialists.

"Children would you like to help?" My mother asked us all.

"I'm tied up with essays for my NEWTs." Austin replies.

"I can, I have all my school work done." Lucinda say.

"Yeah sure." I reply and carry on eating.

We finish dinner and I go back to my room, take a shower, get changed into my pyjamas and put my presents from my friends under my small Christmas tree in my room.

I read one of the tags, "to y/n, Merry Christmas love from Freddie."

Oh I miss him so much I cannot wait till I see him again but at the same time I can with all this engagement crap.

I move away from the presents and l pick up my book that I was half way through reading. Flicking through the pages I started to feel tired, I place the book mark in the page I finished reading.

I lay my head on the pillow and fall asleep.

I quickly get myself ready and join my family for breakfast as my mother, sister and I were starting to work on the ball room this morning.

My father had already left for work at the Ministry so he didn't get much input on how the ball room was decorated.

——— time skip to decorating ———

We were discussing placement of everything, music, food choices the list of endless things needing to be done was so boring.

"I'll do the tree, in the corner over there." It will take me at least a good hour the tree is quite big.

I start decorating the tree with all the ornaments that my mother supplied me with, it started to come together quickly and was looking rather fancy.

About forty minutes later I finish the tree and my mother finished placements of where everything should go including the table the ice sculpture with go and seat for the small orchestra, they really do go all out.

"So y/n," my mother started and I turn around to face her, "as we are hosting the event your father and I will start the opening dance, followed by Austin and Penelope then you and Adrian and other guests as Lucinda is too young for a suitor." She tells me and I nod and listen.

There was so many rules we had to follow and if we didn't we was literally punished like the one time I started with my left foot front in a dance instead of right, I was nine at the time and got a slap round the face for it.

We finish for the day most of the preparations in place for the Christmas Eve Ball.

A/n: this chapter is a lot shorter than other ones as it is more of a filler but I didn't want to skip to the Christmas Eve ball as I wanted some 'family' content in it.

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