70. The Engagment and The Baby shower

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"Good morning, beautiful. Good morning, bean and pea." Fred says, placing a hand on my stomach where the babies are kicking away.

"Morning, you three." I say turning round and placing a kiss on Fred's lips.

"Baby shower, today." Fred says, with a big smile.

"I can't wait, although my back hurts already." I tell him.

"You'll get the contest chair, I'll make sure of it." Fred tells me.

"My hero, I suppose we should start getting ready, your mum wants us there for twelve and everyone else is getting there for one." I tell him.

"Let's get some breakfast in you first." Fred tells me.

"Mmm, eggs and maple syrup." I say, and Fred makes gagging noises. "I know it's disgusting but blame it on your babies."

"It takes two to make babies." Fred tells me. "Did you forget that or do you need a demonstration?" He asks me, with a massive smirk on his face.

"Maybe you need to show me." I tell him, matching his grin.

He done a very good demonstration indeed, and now it was time for breakfast.

"I still cannot believe you eat that." George tells me.

"Neither can I, but it's what I'm craving so there we go." I tell him.

"I know but it is absolutely disgusting." George says, pulling a face.

"You don't have to eat it, now, do you?" I ask him.

"No, I suppose, I don't." George says, eating his own breakfast.

"There we go then." I tell him.

"So George are you apparating with us? Or later on?" Fred asks his twin.

"I'll go with you two." George tells us.

"Right, I'm going to start getting ready." I tell the pair after I finished my breakfast.

"Okay, love, I'll be up in a bit." Fred tells me.

"Okay." I say pecking his cheek.

I go up to our room and turn the shower on, before sorting out my light pink summer dress and laying it on my bed ready for when I get out of the shower. I get my self washed and my teeth brushed before using my wand to put light curls in my hair and putting my dress on, when Fred sneaks up behind me.

"You look more beautiful everyday." Fred tells me, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"You are too cute, but you are so handsome." I tell him.

"I'm just going to get myself showered and dressed, don't miss me too much." Fred says before wondering off to the bathroom as I apply some makeup to my face.

I'm almost finished with my make up when Fred walks out of the room with a light blue shirt, and tan trousers.

"Don't you look handsome?" I say to him as I apply some lipgloss.

"That makes us a sexy couple then doesn't it?" He asks.

"Of course it does." I say to Fred as the babies start kicking eagerly and I grab Fred hand, placing mine on top.

"They are very energetic today aren't they?" He asks.

"Yeah, they are, hopefully they are quite throughout the night." I tell him as there's a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in!"

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now